ADVANCEGeo Workplace Climate Survey

Owners: Rebecca Barnes
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Created: Dec 20, 2022 at 2:14 a.m.
Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 at 3:24 a.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Dec 22, 2022 at 3:24 a.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.0a9e7010568c40fe953c9368f0ece748
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Exclusionary Behaviors Reinforce Historical Biases and Contribute to Loss of Talent in the Earth Sciences

accepted, Earth Futures

E. Marin-Spiotta (1), E.J. Diaz-Vallejo (1), R.T. Barnes (2), A. Mattheis (3), B. Schneider (4), A.A. Berhe(5), M.G. Hastings (6), B. Williams (7) and V. Magley (8)

(1)Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA; (2) Environmental Studies Program, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, USA; (3) Division of Applied and Advanced Studies, California State University, Los Angeles, CA, USA; (4) Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS, USA; (5) Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of California, Merced, Merced, CA, USA; (6)​​ Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences and Institute at Brown for Environment and Society, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA; (7) American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA, (8) Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA.

Geosciences remain one of the least diverse fields. Efforts to diversify the discipline need to address the role of hostile work and learning environments, including sexism, racism, ableism, and homophobia. A climate survey distributed to professional organizations illustrates varied experiences of earth and space scientists over a 12-month period (pre-COVID). A majority experienced positive interactions in the workplace. However, scientists of color, women, scientists with disabilities, non-binary and LGBQPA+ scientists more frequently experienced negative interactions, including interpersonal mistreatment, discriminatory language, and sexual harassment. Geoscientists of color were more likely to experience devaluation of their work than white scientists. More than half of women, non-binary, and LGBQPA+ respondents experienced identity-based discriminatory remarks. Disabled geoscientists were more likely to hear negative remarks about race, health, and gender than those who did not disclose a disability. Overall, 14% of all respondents experienced sexual harassment in the previous year. Rates were greatest for historically excluded groups: non-binary (51%), LGBQPA+ (33%), disabled (26%), women (20%), and geoscientists of color (17%). Overall, geoscientists reported avoiding colleagues (51%) and considering leaving their institution (31%) or a career change (30%). Identity matters: historically excluded groups were more likely to report activities with negative professional ramifications. Stereotypes in the geosciences and current organizational structures, policies, and practices maintain hostile workplace environments. To address continued exclusion and low retention in the earth and space sciences, recruitment is not enough. We need to create environments that ensure opportunities for all to thrive.



Start Date: 10/01/2019
End Date: 02/28/2020


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Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation ADVANCE Partnership: From the Classroom to the Field: Improving the Workplace in the Geosciences HRD 1725879, 1726021, 1725650, 1726163, 1725424

How to Cite

Barnes, R., E. M. Spiotta, E. Diaz-Vallejo, A. Mattheis, B. Schneider, A. A. Berhe, M. Hastings, B. Williams, V. Magley (2022). ADVANCEGeo Workplace Climate Survey, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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