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We conducted a three-year field study from May 2018 to May 2021 at the Santa Fe River Sink-Rise flow system in O’Leno and River Rise Preserve State Parks in north-central Florida, USA, that involved the collection of hydrologic, geophysical, and meteorological datasets and photos. We collected hydrologic data (water level, specific conductance, and temperature) at eight surface water bodies (River Sink, River Rise, and six intermediate karst windows), seven deep wells, and four shallow wells. The Santa Fe River sinks at River Sink, flows through conduits that are ~20 m in diameter and ~30 m below the surface, periodically reemerges at karst windows, and finally emerges at River Rise. We also collected meteorological data at a site in O’Leno State Park (wind speed, gust speed, wind direction, rain, atmospheric pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and dew point). All of the hydrologic and meteorological data are published as a separate, but linked resource in this collection. Our instrument network also included 14 seismometers (12 short period (L-22) and two broadband (CMG 3T) seismometers), four borehole and two platform tiltmeters, and 149 nodal seismometers for a one-month campaign. Bilek (2018) provide the seismic data, and the tilt data will soon be available. Finally, we deployed five motion cameras near seismometer stations to identify sources of seismic signals at the surface. The photos are published here as well as csv files that include the dates, times, and sources of motion that activated the cameras.
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This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name
Award Title
Award Number
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Geophysical characterization of a karst aquifer using dynamic recharge events
EAR 1850667
People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the
creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.
Author Identifiers
Personnel at O'Leno and River Rise Preserve State Parks
Florida Park Service
How to Cite
Luhmann, A. J., B. J. Luhmann, S. B. Luhmann, S. L. Bilek, J. A. Gochenour, H. B. Woo, R. Grapenthin, J. B. Martin, M. K. Flint (2023). Photos from the Santa Fe River Sink-Rise flow system area, Florida, USA – May 2018-May 2021, HydroShare,
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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