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This seasonal synoptic survey (approach 2) was designed in support of the sampling goals of the NSF funded Aquatic Intermittency effects on Microbiomes in Streams (AIMS) Project. On four different occasions during 2022 and 2023, a field team co-collected datasets characterizing the hydrology, biogeochemistry, and microbiome across 7 sampling locations within a sub-drainage of the Talladega National Forest (Alabama, USA). The Talladega National Forest is in northeastern Alabama situated between the Valley and Ridge and Piedmont physiographic provinces. This resource specifically includes the Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer (MIMS) dissolved gas seasonal samples data set, including Argon (Ar), Oxygen (O2), Nitrogen (N2), N2:Ar ratio, and O2:Ar ratio, that was collected by the biogeochemistry team to better understand the effects of stream drying on dissolved gases in the southeastern US.
Included in the Content section is the approach 2 sampling datasheet that was used during field collection, as well as four different excel files.The four excel files contain each seasonal (approach 2) sampling event: March 2022, August 2022, January 2023, and May 2023. Each file has the same naming format: MIMS_SE_Approach2_StartDate_EndDate_Version#. Within the excel files, the 'Working Files' tab includes raw data directly from the MIMS with the coolest standard at 12 degrees C and the warmest standard water bath at 18 degrees C. The 'Working Files_1' tab contains the processed MIMS data before taking averages of all the replicates. The 'Final Data' tab has the data that should be used for analyses with the averages of all 3 replicates and standard deviations (sd) in uM units. The raw MIMS data was processed and calculated via the package 'MIMSY' and has 3 data points per replicate.
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