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Topography is commonly viewed as a passive backdrop on which vegetation grows. Yet, in certain circumstances, a bidirectional feedback may develop between the control of topography and the spatial distribution of vegetation and landform development, because vegetation modulates the erosion of the land surface. Therefore, if reinforcing feedbacks are established between erosion and land cover distribution over timescales relevant to landform development, then the interactions between vegetation and topography may create distinctive landforms, shaped by vegetation. We expose here a strong correlation between the spatial distribution of vegetation, erosion rates, and topography at a characteristic length scale of 102-103m (mesoscale topography) in the Luquillo Experimental forest (LEF) of Puerto Rico. We use high-resolution LiDAR topography to characterize landforms, satellite images to classify the vegetation into forest types, and in-situ produced cosmogenic 10Be in the quartz extracted from soils and stream sediments to document spatial variations in soil erosion. The data document a strong correlation between forest type and topographic position (hilltop vs. valleys), and a correlation between topographic position and 10Be-derived erosion rates over 103-104 years. Erosion is faster in valleys, which are mostly covered by monocot Palm Forest, and slower on surrounding hills mostly covered by the dicot Palo Colorado Forest. Transition from one forest type to the next occurs across a break-in-slope that separates shallowly convex hilltops from deeply concave valleys (coves). The break-in-slope is the consequence of a longer-lasting erosional imbalance whereby coves erode faster than hills over landscape-shaping timescales. Such a deepening of the coves is usually spurred by external drivers, but such drivers are here absent. This implies that cove erosion is driven by a process originating within the coves themselves. We propose that vegetation is the primary driver of this imbalance, soil erosion being faster under Palm forest than under Palo Colorado forest. Concentration of the Palm forest in the deepening coves is reinforced by the better adaptation of Palm trees to the erosive processes that take place in the coves, once these develop steep slopes. At the current rate of landscape development, we find that the imbalance started within the past 0.1-1.5 My. The initiation of the process could correspond to time of settlement of these mountain slopes by the Palm and Palo Colorado forests.
S2-Shapefile1- Study Area S2-Shapefile2 - Cove And Ridge Tops On Quartz Diorite S2-Shapefile3 - Ground Proofing Tracks
S1-Grid1.tif - Elevation S1-Grid2.tif - Elevation in Study Area S2-Grid1.tif- Forest Classification; Sierra Palm is classified with #2 on each raster cell, Palo Colorado is classified with #3 in each grid cell.
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