LCZO -- Phosphorus fractionation responds to dynamic redox conditions in a humid tropical forest soil -- El Verde Field Station -- (2016-2018)

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Created: Aug 24, 2018 at 1:28 p.m.
Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 at 7:27 p.m.
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Phosphorus (P) is a key limiting nutrient in highly weathered soils of humid tropical forests. A large proportion of P in these soils is bound to redox‐sensitive iron (Fe) minerals; however, little is known about how Fe redox interactions affect soil P cycling. In an incubation experiment, we changed bulk soil redox regimes by varying headspace conditions (air vs. N2 gas), and examined the responses of soil P and Fe species to two fluctuating treatments (4‐ or 8‐day oxic followed by 4‐day anoxic) and two static redox treatments (oxic and anoxic). A static anoxic headspace increased NaOH‐extractable inorganic P (NaOH‐Pi) and ammonium oxalate‐extractable total P (AO‐Pt) by 10% and 38%, respectively, relative to a static oxic headspace. Persistent anoxia also increased NaHCO3‐extractable total P (NaHCO3‐Pt) towards the end of the experiment. Effects of redox fluctuation were more complex and dependent on temporal scales. Ammonium oxalate‐extractable Fe and Pt concentrations responded to redox fluctuation early in the experiment, but not thereafter, suggesting a depletion of reductants over time. Immediately following a switch from an oxic to anoxic headspace, concentrations of AO‐Pt, AO‐Fe, and HCl‐extractable Fe (II) increased (within 30 min), but fell back to initial levels by 180 min. Surprisingly, the labile P pool (NaHCO3‐Pt) decreased immediately after reduction events, potentially due to resorption and microbial uptake. Overall, our data demonstrate that P fractions can respond rapidly to changes in soil redox conditions, and in environments where redox oscillation is common, roots and microbes may benefit from these rapid P dynamics.

The full paper is available here



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Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
NSF DEB Collaborative Research: The Role of Iron Redox Dynamics in Carbon Losses from Tropical Forest Soils 1457805
NSF EAR Luquillo CZO 1331841
NSF DEB Luquillo LTER 0620910

How to Cite

Lin, Y., A. Bhattacharyya, A. N. Campbell, P. S. Nico, J. Pett-Ridge, W. L. Silver (2020). LCZO -- Phosphorus fractionation responds to dynamic redox conditions in a humid tropical forest soil -- El Verde Field Station -- (2016-2018), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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