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Streamflow (runoff), rainfall and electrical conductivity data from three small catchments in central Panama

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Created: Jun 02, 2020 at 5:45 p.m.
Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 at 6:35 p.m.
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Content types: Single File Content 
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This data set includes rainfall, runoff, and specific conductivity (EC) corrected for temperature from three steep (mean slope 30%) humid tropical catchments in central Panama. These catchments range in size from 6.1 to 42.6 ha, and consist of three different tropical land covers: MAT (mature tropical forest, 9.5 ha), SEC (young secondary tropical forest growing on previously grazed pastoral land, 6.2 ha) and PAS (actively grazed cattle pasture, 42.6 ha). Runoff, rainfall and EC data were collected during the 2017 wet season ranging from May to December. Runoff (10 min resolution) was measured using calibrated V-notch steel and/or concrete weirs equipped with pressure transducers corrected for barometric pressure. Rainfall (15 min resolution) was collected from tipping bucket precipitation gauges located within 1 km of the outlet of each catchment. EC was collected using in-situ data-loggers at the outlet of each catchment. The catchments which produced this data are part of the Agua Salud Project and are located within the Panama Canal Watershed. Details about the Agua Salud Project can be found at

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Agua Salud


Start Date:
End Date:


Additional Metadata

Name Value
Metadata for the catchment data files Metadata for: Streamflow (runoff), rainfall and electrical conductivity data from three small catchments in central Panama Curated by: Andrew L. Birch, University of Colorado Boulder Contact: Updated: June 6th, 2020 Description of catchments: MAT- 9.1 ha of mature (~80 yr old) tropical forest SEC- 6.2 ha of young secondary (15 yr old) tropical forest growing on previously graxed pastoral land PAS- 42.6 ha of actively grazed cattle pasture Description of files: MAT specific conductivity and runoff.csv- 10 minute resolution time series of conductivity corrected for temperature and runoff rate (mm/hr) from the MAT catchment SEC specific conductivity and runoff.csv 10 minute resolution time series of conductivity corrected for temperature and runoff rate (mm/hr) from the SEC catchment PAS specific conductivity and runoff.csv- 10 minute resolution time series of conductivity corrected for temperature and runoff rate (mm/hr) from the PAS catchment MAT Rainfall- 5-15 minute resolution rainfall data from the MAT catchment in mm. Sensor failures excluded from the dataset. SEC Rainfall- 5-15 minute resolution rainfall data from the SEC catchment in mm. Sensor failures excluded from the dataset. PAS Rainfall- 5-15 minute resolution rainfall data from the PAS catchment in mm. Sensor failures excluded from the dataset. *periods of instrument failure were excluded from the above datasets


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation EAR-1360305

How to Cite

Birch, A. L. (2020). Streamflow (runoff), rainfall and electrical conductivity data from three small catchments in central Panama, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


Andrew Lifur Birch 4 years, 7 months ago

Data were originally used for two end member hydrograph separations of event water and baseflow in each catchment.

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