Water End Use Disaggregation for Six Non-Residential Facilities in the City of Logan, Utah, USA
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Owners: | Nour Attallah |
Type: | Resource |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 1.7 GB |
Created: | May 20, 2018 at 6:34 p.m. |
Last updated: | Oct 12, 2020 at 9:28 p.m. |
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This resource contains the final high frequency data files, R scripts, and the C# code used in our analysis of water use across 6 different non-residential facilities in the City of Logan, UT. We utilized the current Neptune water meters the City has. We replaced the meter heads (E-Coders) used for monthly billing purposes with new ones (Innov V8) that log at five minute intervals. We dialed down the reading frequency to five second intervals by deploying 101A data loggers. The data loggers are attached at each meter head through a 2-wire pulse cable. We placed the loggers inside weather-proof enclosures to protect them from moisture. Without the need for installing individual meters for every water end use, we identified different water use events, average water use per end use, variability in end uses (faucets/toilets versus showers), variability in use by the type of user (manufacturing versus assisted care facilities) and the potential signature of different fixtures. We validated our findings with the feedback from participating businesses’ representatives where we inspected whether the results matched the expected water use behavior of the business. We applied the Gallons Per Capita Day (GPCD) method to investigate the water use behavior of non-residential users and compared it to residential users. We investigated the diurnal water use patterns and trends for the participants, where we found that users exhibited heterogeneous water use patterns. Finally, we recommend some conservation actions for the participants of this study. The findings from this research can help the water managers in Logan City with better understanding of commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) water use behavior and an insight for future water supply planning for the CII sector.
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Start Date: | 08/01/2017 |
End Date: | 07/01/2018 |

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