C & N in plants biomass in bioretention systems at GIRF
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Owners: | iUTAH Data ManagerPratibha SapkotaChristine Pomeroy |
Type: | Resource |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 2.1 MB |
Created: | Aug 06, 2016 at 12:40 a.m. |
Last updated: | Jul 23, 2018 at 4:54 p.m. |
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The dataset contains isotopic carbon, nitrogen, %C and %N in plants in GIRF bioretention. Plants in bioretention systems were harvested in May 2015 and analyzed by Oct 2015. % C and % N were analyzed in root and shoot samples. Upland contains native Utah’s vegetation, and wetland systems have wetland vegetation dominant in wetland systems. To determine C and N in plant biomass, each plant was divided into roots and shoots and dried in an oven to the constant mass at 40oC for 48 hours. CN samples were run on Thermo-Electron Delta IRMS configured through Thermo/Finnigan CONFLO III. d15N & d13C was analyzed using a Carlo Erba NC2100 elemental analyzer. Wetland 7 and Upland 8 does not have root data as the plants in these bioretention units were not harvested.
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Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation | iUTAH-innovative Urban Transitions and Aridregion Hydro-sustainability | 1208732 |
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This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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