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Arid regions are often characterized by exceptionally high rates of fluvial sediment transport, but the processes responsible for this apparent connection between climate and sediment transport remain unclear. We examined decades of continuous flow records and suspended sediment concentrations from 71 rivers across the United States by comparing the suspended sediment rating curve behavior, quantified using power law coefficients and exponents, to an aridity index. Results indicate that higher aridity correlates with both greater overall suspended sediment concentration and lower sensitivity of concentration to changes in discharge, demonstrating that rivers in arid locations on average have greater suspended sediment transport efficiency across most discharges, and achieve high transport rates at a relatively lower discharge than rivers in temperate climates. Furthermore, based on additional analyses of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), specific suspended sediment yield, and a hydrograph flashiness index, we attribute the relationships between sediment transport and climate primarily to differences in vegetation density, precipitation, and runoff, variables that all influence both sediment supply and riverbed grain sorting. Finally, we note that the observed contrasts in sediment transport behavior likely represent climate-driven differences in the magnitude and frequency of sediment supply rather than annual suspended sediment load, which does not depend significantly on climate. This study highlights a critical connection between multiple interrelated climatic factors and sediment transport, an important finding for future hazard mitigation in a changing climate with rapidly shifting vegetation patterns and hydrology.
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Chapman, W. A. L., & Finnegan, N. J. (2024). The signature of climate in fluvial suspended sediment records. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129, e2023JF007429.
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