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Stream water grab samples were collected weekly and twice weekly during monsoon season from 3 locations within each field site; Marshall Gulch (G OUT, S OUT, WEIR, S SEEP and MRG3), Oracle Ridge (ORLOW, ORMID, ORUP), and B2 Desert (B2D-GIN, B2D-GOUT, B2D-CDO, B2D WEIR). Marshall Gulch samples date back to 2006 while Oracle Ridge and B2 Desert sites samples date back to 2010. Discharge was measured at the outlets of the Marshall Gulch and Oracle Ridge sites where rating curves were developed using the salt dilution method. Temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen were measured in the field starting in 2012 and prior to that pH and EC were measured in the laboratory. Water samples were analyzed in PI laboratories at the University of Arizona for anions (by IC), cations (by ICPOES and ICPMS), dissolved organic and inorganic carbon and total nitrogen (by acidification and combustion on a Schimadzu DOC/TN Analyzer), stable water isotopes (on a Los Gatos Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer), and nutrients (NH4-N and Orthophosphate on a Discrete Analyzer). Selected water samples were analyzed for carbon stable isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon (by IRMS).
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The following acknowledgment should accompany any publication or citation of these data - Logistical support and/or data were provided by the NSF-supported Jemez River Basin and Santa Catalina Mountains Critical Zone Observatory EAR-0724958 and EAR-1331408.
Data are provisional and may be subject to revision.
Filtered with 0.45um GHP Acrodisc syringe filters (acid-washed) - changed to nylon with CZO project 2011.
Si values for 2009-2010 were not reported due to contamination from sample storage vials; this was not an issue for samples collected from 2011 to the present.
All values below detection limit (DL) were replaced with 0.5*DL.
All data files were updated on 7/8/2021.
Heidbüchel I., Troch P.A., Lyon S.W., and Weiler M. (2012). The master transit time distribution of variable flow systems. Water Resources Research 48(6): W06520
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This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Chorover, J., P. Troch, J. McIntosh, P. Brooks, N. Abramson, I. Heidbuechel, M. K. Amistadi, S. A. Pedron (2021). CJCZO -- Stream Water Chemistry -- Santa Catalina Mountains -- (2006-2019), HydroShare,
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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