Data from Voytek et al. (2016), Identifying hydrologic flowpaths on arctic hillslopes using electrical resistivity and self potential

Owners: Kamini Singha
Type: Resource
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Created: Jun 18, 2023 at 3:09 p.m.
Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 at 3:55 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Sep 14, 2023 at 3:54 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.40b53984c1424a7a84eb605883b4d39a
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Shallow subsurface flow is a dominant process controlling hillslope runoff generation, soil development, and solute reaction and transport. Despite their importance, the location and geometry of these flowpaths are difficult to determine. In arctic environments, shallow subsurface flowpaths are limited to a thin zone of seasonal thaw above permafrost, which is traditionally assumed to mimic surface topography. Here we use a combined approach of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and self-potential measurements (SP) to map shallow subsurface flowpaths in and around water tracks, drainage features common to arctic hillslopes. ERT measurements delineate thawed zones in the subsurface that control flowpaths, while SP is sensitive to groundwater flow. We find that areas of low electrical resistivity in the water tracks are deeper than manual thaw depth estimates and vary from surface topography. This finding suggests that traditional techniques may underestimate active layer thaw and the extent of the flowpath network on arctic hillslopes. SP measurements identify complex 3-D flowpaths in the thawed zone. Our results lay the groundwork for investigations into the seasonal dynamics, hydrologic connectivity, and climate sensitivity of spatially distributed flowpath networks on arctic hillslopes.



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Toolik Field Station Area


Start Date: 08/05/2014
End Date: 08/22/2014
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


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Related Resources

This resource is described by Voytek, E., Rushlow, C., Godsey, S., Singha, K. (2016). Identifying hydrologic flowpaths on arctic hillslopes using electrical resistivity and self potential. Geophysics, 81(1), WA225-WA232.



People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.

Name Organization Address Phone Author Identifiers
Sarah Godsey Idaho State University Idaho, US 2082823170

How to Cite

Voytek, E., K. Singha (2023). Data from Voytek et al. (2016), Identifying hydrologic flowpaths on arctic hillslopes using electrical resistivity and self potential, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoCommercial CC BY-NC.


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