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Data Abstract: These data are posted in support of a recent paper (Acharya et al. 2020 in HESS) that describe a new method for estimating total forest interception using shallow soil moisture response dynamics. The paper's abstract is presented below, and detailed citation information are also provided. The data files consist of 4+ years of site vegetation attributes, site weather data (4 hr-1) and shallow soil moisture measurements (4 hr-1) across 36 sites spanning the most common forest types in Florida.
Paper Abstract: Interception is the storage and subsequent evaporation of rainfall by above-ground structures, including canopy and groundcover vegetation and surface litter. Accurately quantifying interception is critical for understanding how ecosystems partition incoming precipitation, but it is difficult and costly to measure, leading most studies to rely on modeled interception estimates. Moreover, forest interception estimates typically focus only on canopy storage, despite the potential for substantial interception by ground cover vegetation and surface litter. In this study, we developed an approach to quantify “total” interception (i.e., including forest canopy, understory, and surface litter layers) using measurements of shallow soil moisture dynamics during rainfall events. Across 34 pine and mixed forest stands in Florida (USA), we used soil moisture and precipitation (P) data to estimate interception storage capacity (Bs), a parameter required to estimate total annual interception (Ia) relative to P. Estimated values for Bs( mean Bs = 0:30 cm; 0:01 < Bs < 0:62 cm) and Ia/P (mean Ia/P = 0:14; 0:06 < Ia=P < 0:21) were broadly consistent with reported literature values for these ecosystems and were significantly predicted by forest structural attributes (leaf area index and percent ground cover) as well as other site variables (e.g., water table depth). The best-fit model was dominated by LAI and 25 explained nearly 80% of observed s variation. These results suggest that whole-forest interception can be estimated using near-surface soil moisture time series, though additional direct comparisons would further support this assertion. Additionally, variability in interception across a single forest type underscores the need for expanded empirical measurement. Potential cost savings and logistical advantages of this proposed method relative to conventional, labor-intensive interception measurements may improve empirical estimation of this critical water budget element.
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SiteID - unique site identifier
PlotID - unique plot identifier within site
Longitude - degrees minutes decimal seconds (west)
Latitude - degrees minutes decimal seconds (north)
WT_Class - water table depth class (deep vs. shallow)
Species - dominant pine species
Variable Names for [all_sites_weather_data]
SiteID - unique site identifier
PlotID - identifier of plot within site
Timestamp - date and time in US Eastern Standard Time
AirTC_Avg - air temperature in celcius in 15 minute increments averaged from measurements every 5 seconds
RH - relative humidity in % of saturation in 15 minute increments
Rain_mm - rainfall in mm in 15 minute increments from tipping bucket recorder
SlrMJ_Tot - solar insolation summed over 15 minute increments from radiometer measurements every 5 seconds
WS_ms_avg - wind speed in meters per second in 15 minute increments averaged from measurements every 5 seconds
Variable Names for [all_sites_smc_15cm_data]
SiteID - unique site identifier
PlotID - unique plot identifier within site
TIMESTAMP - date and time in US Eastern Standard Time
P1_15cm - soil moisture measured every 15 mins at position1 at a depth of 15 cm
P2_15cm - soil moisture measured every 15 mins at position2 at a depth of 15 cm
P3_15cm - soil moisture measured every 15 mins at position3 at a depth of 15 cm
Variable Names for [all_sites_vegetation_data]
SiteID - Unique site identifier
PlotID - Unique plot identifier within site
Avg_LAI - site averaged leaf area index (one-sided) in m2/m2
P1_gc - measured ground cover at measurement position 1
P2_gc - measured ground cover at measurement position 2
P3_gc - measured ground cover at measurement position 3
Avg_gc - average measured ground cover across all positions
Species - tree species (slash pine, loblolly pine, south Florida slash pine, sand pine, clearcut)
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name
Award Title
Award Number
Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Forest Water Yield
People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the
creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.
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