HydroShare: A system for data sharing and collaboration in hydrology by hydrologists for hydrologists (Saskatchewan presentation)
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Owners: | David Tarboton |
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Created: | Nov 03, 2021 at 2:24 p.m. |
Last updated: | Nov 03, 2021 at 2:45 p.m. |
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Presentation University of Saskatchewan Global Institute for Water Security 2021 Distinguished Lecture Series, November 3, 2021, https://water.usask.ca/events/2021/11/dls8.php.
HydroShare is a web-based repository and hydrologic information system operated by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) for users to share, collaborate around, and publish data, models, scripts, and applications associated with water related research. This presentation will step away from the science of water security breakthroughs and instead describe the development of CUAHSI HydroShare with a focus on the information technology key to supporting the transparency and reproducibility needed to enhance trust in the findings of hydrologic research by making hydrologic information more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), and through linked computational systems simplifying the workflows needed for hydrologic modeling and analysis.
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Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation | Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Cyberinfrastructure for Advancing Hydrologic Knowledge through Collaborative Integration of Data Science, Modeling and Analysis | ACI 1664061, 1664018, 1664119 |
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