CZCN Geomicro-Depth profiles of soil temperature, moisture, and concentrations of CO2 and O2

Owners: Yang YangEmma AronsonMicah UnruhSharon Billings
Type: Resource
Storage: The size of this resource is 208.4 MB
Created: Apr 01, 2024 at 6:39 p.m.
Last updated: Apr 01, 2024 at 7:39 p.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
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This data is an on-going collection of soil temperature, soil moisture, soil CO2 concentration, and soil O2 concentration starting in October 2021. We have installed sensors and probes at different soil depths across landscapes in five of the former Critical Zone Observatory locations (see the document named "sensor location"). Soil temperature and moisture are measured using Acclima SDI-12 sensors. Soil CO2 concentrations are measured using Eosense CO2 probes (switching to Vaisala GMP343 and GMP251 in 2023). Soil O2 concentrations are measured using Apogee SO-110-L-10 soil oxygen sensors. This dataset, along with our measurements of soil geomicrobiology and biogeochemistry (available in EarthChem), will help us understand the role of microbes as drivers of Critical Zone biogeochemistry and soil formation.



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Reynolds Creek Experimental Watersheds, Providence Creek Catchment, San Joaquin Experimental Range, Santa Catalina Mountains, Luquillo-ICACOS, Luquillo-EL VERDE, Calhoun Experimental Forests
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date: 11/14/2021
End Date: 11/12/2022
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


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Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry in the Critical Zone EAR-2012878, EAR-2012633, EAR-2012403

How to Cite

Aronson, E., M. Unruh, A. Ederer, Y. Yang, W. Silver, W. McDowell, S. Hart, S. Billings, J. Chorover, R. Gallery, K. Lohse, J. Gerson, J. Botthoff (2024). CZCN Geomicro-Depth profiles of soil temperature, moisture, and concentrations of CO2 and O2, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


Morgan Masters 7 months ago

Hi, Authors,

Would you please elaborate what the units of each column are? Also, what are the definitions of the data in the last three columns? I assume Ka is the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, but what are the ECb and ECw.

Based on device manuals, it is temperatures in degrees Celsius, VWC as a percent, CO2 in parts-per-million, O2 as a percentage.

Many thanks.

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Morgan Masters 7 months ago

There also seem to be missing segments of data, like only "I" subregion of "LUQ" site is available and only subregions in the "T" pit category of the "RC" zone. Is there a more complete dataset, or is the version downloadable from this page the most complete available?

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