Cache la Poudre streamflow intermittency
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Owners: | Stephanie Kampf |
Type: | Resource |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 5.4 GB |
Created: | Jan 02, 2023 at 1:51 p.m. |
Last updated: | Mar 31, 2023 at 6:01 p.m. |
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This resource contains the data used in Peterson et al. "Predicting streamflow from crowd-sourced flow observations".
sensor_daily.csv contains the stage data from sensors presented as:
-stage = offset-adjusted and quality-checked sensor stage data
-norm = stage divided by the maximum stage recorded at the sensor
-gapfill = norm time series with short data gaps filled with linear interpolation
The Monthly Snow Persistence folder contains mean snow persistence layers for January and April. The average values are derived from MODIS satellite data from 2016-2020.
streamtracker.csv contains the Stream Tracker flow presence/absence data for April-October. Columns are Stream Tracker sites. Empty cells indicate no data; 0 indicates no flow or standing water, and 1 indicates flow.
attributes.csv contains the watershed attributes for each sensor and Stream Tracker site. Columns are:
-site = ID for sensor or Stream Tracker site
-type = observation type - sensor or Stream Tracker (st)
-elevation = elevation group; high for watersheds in the persistent snow zone and low for all others
-Nobs = number of observations at site; sensor sites set at 100 for graphing purposes
-fracFlow = calculated flow fraction from observations, (number of flow observations)/(total numer of observations)
-ma_p = mean annual precipitation (mm), PRISM
-mmp_may = mean may precipitation (mm), PRISM
-p_summer = mean summer (june, july, august) precipitation (mm)
-mmsp_jan = mean january snow persistence (Hammond et al. 2020)
-mmsp_apr =mean april snow persistence (Hammond et al. 2020)
-AI_summer = mean summer aridity index (p_summer / PET_summer) where PET is potential evapotranspiration from gridMET reference evapotranspiration
-area_km2 = drainage area in square km
-slope_local = slope of the stream at the monitoring point (m/m)
-aws = available water storage (mm), gSSURGO
-metamorphi = fraction area with metamorphic bedrock (Horton et al. 2017)
-ksat = saturated hydraulic conductivity (um/s), gSSURGO
-pct_clay = average % clay in soil, gSSURGO
-HSG_C = fraction area with hydrologic soil group C, gSSURGO
-LF_herb = fraction area with herbaceous land cover, LANDFIRE
-burn_10 = fraction area within a wildfire boundary from the last 10 years, MTBS
predicted_flow_fraction is a raster TIFF file with 30 m resolution displaying our best performing (≥10 sample) random forest model flow fraction predictions for the entire study area. Values are continuous from 0-1, where 1 represents 100% predicted mean annual flow. Cells draining the persistent snow zone (≥75% mean annual snow persistence) were excluded from our model andgiven values of -1.
Watershed Attributes Folder contains raster data for the attributes used as inputs in the random forest models. These rasters cover the entire study area, and all except slope_local were processed as weighted flow accumulations based on the NHD med-res flow accumulation. This means each cell represents the average value for that attribute in the drainage area contributing to that cell. This folder includes:
-AI_summer: mean summer (June-Sept) aridity index
-area_km2: drainage area in square kilometers
-aws: mean available water storage
-burn_10: percent burn area (composite of burn areas in 10 years prior to 2020)
-HSG_C: percent hydrologic soil group C
-ksat: mean hydraulic conductivity
-LF_herb: percent herbaceous land cover
-ma_p_2001-2020: mean annual precipitation (period 2001-2020)
-ma_sp_2001-2020: mean annual snow persistence (period 2001-2020)
-metamorphic: percent metamorphic bedrock
-mmp_may: mean May precipitation
-mmsp_apr: mean April snow persistence
-mmsp_jan: mean January snow persistence
-p_summer: mean summer (June-Sept) precipitation
-pct_clay: percent clay in soils
-slope_drainage: mean slope for the drainage area
-slope_local: local slope for each pixel
sensor_st_pts is a zip file containing a shapefile of sensor and Stream Tracker site locations. The column 'site' corresponds to the site IDs, and type indicates whether the point is a sensor or Stream Tracker (st) location
Subject Keywords
Start Date: | 10/01/2015 |
End Date: | 09/30/2020 |

Data Services
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
NASA | NNX17AF96A | |
USFS CitSci Fund | ||
Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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