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Soil samples were collected from 75 cultivated soils excavated in August-September 2012 in fallow fields, and two uncultivated soils excavated in August 2013, to 145 cm using a mini excavator, at three fields on key landforms in the watershed that were under similar management for non-irrigated wheat production. Samples were collected volumetrically in 15 cm depth increments (1500 cm3) and weighed. Field moist samples were dried at ~50°C for 24-48 hours, sieved to obtain the fraction <2mm, and subsamples of the fine fraction milled overnight in duplicate prior to weighing for total nitrogen and d15N analysis by combustion-IRMS (Delta V, Thermo) at the USGS Southwest Regional Isotope lab in Denver. Duplicates were included every six samples, and where concentration or isotopic differences were >10%, proximal samples were re-analyzed. Results are omitted for samples that contained insufficient nitrogen or where analysis was otherwise unsuccessful. Samples from 21 locations on two landforms, including two native range sites, were analyzed. A total of 62 analyses from these sites were successful, and results are presented as averages for each depth increment across all sites.
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Summary of nitrogen isotope ratios (d15N) in cultivated and uncultivated soil profiles of the Judith River Watershed
Ewing, S. A., C. Stricker, W. A. Sigler (2022). Summary of nitrogen isotope ratios (d15N) in cultivated and uncultivated soil profiles of the Judith River Watershed, HydroShare,
The content of this resource includes data referenced in:
Sigler, W. Adam, Stephanie A. Ewing, Scott D. Wankel, Clain A Jones, Sam Leuthold, E. N. Jack Brookshire, Robert A. Payn. 2022. Isotopic signals in an agricultural watershed suggest denitrification is locally intensive in riparian areas but extensive in upland soils. Biogeochemistry,
Supplemental ?15N summary data documenting soil values for samples collected from the Judith River Watershed.
Description of Contents
The file titled Ewing_soilTN_d15N_summ.csv contains a summary table of ?15N results.
The data in this resource are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0 license.See here for the full legal text:
Stephanie Ewing:
Related Resources
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Sigler, W. Adam, Stephanie A. Ewing, Scott D. Wankel, Clain A Jones, Sam Leuthold, E. N. Jack Brookshire, Robert A. Payn. 2022. Isotopic signals in an agricultural watershed suggest denitrification is locally intensive in riparian areas but extensive in upland soils. Biogeochemistry,
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Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name
Award Title
Award Number
United Stated Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture
National Science Foundation EPSCoR Track 1
OIA-1443108, EPS-1101342
How to Cite
Ewing, S. A., C. Stricker, W. A. Sigler (2022). Summary of nitrogen isotope ratios (d15N) in cultivated and uncultivated soil profiles of the Judith River Watershed, HydroShare,
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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