Cameron Peak Fire stream and weather data WY2021
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Owners: | Stephanie Kampf |
Type: | Resource |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 353.2 KB |
Created: | Apr 01, 2022 at 6:15 p.m. |
Last updated: | Jul 06, 2022 at 6:58 p.m. |
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This resource contains water year 2021 data for rainfall, weather station, and streamflow monitoring stations within and near the 2020 Cameron Peak Fire in Northern Colorado.
Site names are in the data_dictionary.csv file
Site locations and sensor information are in the metadata.csv file
Daily summary data files are:
P_daily.csv: This contains columns for each site with a tipping bucket rain gauge, with values in mm. NA indicate gauge was not recording. These values assume 0.3 mm of precipitation per tip at all sites except Joe Wright, Tunnel, and Bighorn, where the value is 0.1 mm per tip. The values have not been adjusted for snow precipitation, so some tips may represent snowmelt into the gauge rather than rainfall.
Weather station files: these are separate files for each station, indicated by stationname_met_daily.csv. The data dictionary indicates the type of measurement and units for each column header. The only QA/QC conducted on these data is deletion of data representing sensor errors. NA indicates no measurement.
stream_daily.csv: contains columns for stage (cm) and discharge computed from a site-specific rating curve. Discharge values are normalized by catchment area and given in mm. All stream stage time series have been offset-adjusted to correct for differences in sensor placement between download dates. Dry and Washout also required offset adjustment for changes in bed elevation during post-fire storms. These offset adjustments are estimated because we have no means of knowing the exact bed elevation changes during storms.
discharge.csv: contains the field measurements of stream discharge and corresponding stream stage. Type indicates the discharge measurement method used, either salt dilution (salt), manual with a velocity meter, or manual with a bucket. These values were used to develop the rating curves that were used to compute discharge. These rating curves are a work in progress.
Subject Keywords
Start Date: | 10/01/2020 |
End Date: | 09/30/2021 |

Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation | RAPID: Wildfire impacts on snowpack, flow paths, and sediment dynamics a cross an elevation gradient | 2101068 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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