GOTM water temperature simulations forced at different frequency in the meteorological inputs in Lake Erken (Sweden)

Owners: Ana Isabel Ayala
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Created: Jun 28, 2019 at 9:43 a.m.
Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 at 10:09 a.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Jun 28, 2019 at 10:09 a.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.ace98c3bc72b44f1834a58ec8b3af310
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The 1-D hydrodynamic lake model GOTM was used to test the ability to simulate Lake Erken water temperature using different meteorological forcing inputs: 1) hourly measured data, 2) daily average data derived from the first data set, and 3) synthetic hourly data created from the daily data set, where air temperature (⁰C), short-wave radiation (W m-2), relative humidity (%) and wind speed (m s-1)were created from Generalized Regression Artificial Neuronal Networks (GRNN) methods, daily values were considered for the cloud cover (0-1) and air pressure (hPa) and an uniform distribution of the daily total for the precipitation (mm).
1. GOTM meteorological input files for calibration (2006-2014) and validation (2015-2016):
1.1. Hourly data set:
1.1.1. Erken_DailyPrecip_2006-2014.dat
1.1.2. Erken_HourlyMeteo_2006-2014.dat
1.1.3. Erken_HourlySWR_2006-2014.dat
1.1.4. Erken_DailyPrecip_2015-2016.dat
1.1.5. Erken_HourlyMeteo_2015-2016.dat
1.1.6. Erken_HourlySWR_2015-2016
1.2. Daily data set:
1.2.1. Erken_DailyPrecip_2006-2014.dat
1.2.2. Erken_DailyMeteo_2006-2014.dat
1.2.3. Erken_DailySWR_2006-2014.dat
1.2.4. Erken_DailyPrecip_2015-2016.dat
1.2.5. Erken_DailyMeteo_2015-2016.dat
1.2.6. Erken_DailySWR_2015-2016.dat
1.3. Synthetic hourly data set:
1.3.1. Erken_syntheticPh_2006-2016.dat
1.3.2. Erken_syntheticMETh_2006-2016.dat
1.3.3. Erken_syntheticSWRh_2006-2016.dat
2. GOTM water temperature input file for calibration (2006-2014) and validation (2015-2016):
2.1. Erken_DailyTemp_2006-2014_NoWinter.dat
2.2. Erken_DailyTemp_2015-2016_NoWinter.dat
3. GOTM model configuration files:
3.1. Hourly data set:
3.1.1. erken_Hourly_2006-2014.dat
3.1.2. erken_Hourly_2015-2016.dat
3.2. Daily data set:
3.2.1. erken_Daily _2006-2014.dat
3.2.2. erken_Daily _2015-2016.dat
3.3. Synthetic hourly data set:
3.3.1. erken_SyntheticHourly_2006-2014.dat
3.3.2. erken_SyntheticHourly_2015-2016.dat
4. Calibration files:
4.1. config_acpy.xml
4.2. Erken_DailyTemp_2006-2014_NoWinter. obs
5. GOTM outputs (water temperature and depth profiles files):
5.1. Hourly data set:
5.1.1. ErkenSimTemp24h_temp_Hourly_2006-2014.txt
5.1.2. ErkenSimTemp24h_z_Hourly_2006-2014.txt
5.1.3. ErkenSimTemp24h_temp_Hourly_2015-2016.txt
5.1.4. ErkenSimTemp24h_z_Hourly_2015-2016.txt
5.2. Daily data set:
5.2.1. ErkenSimTemp24h_temp_Daily_2006-2014.txt
5.2.2. ErkenSimTemp24h_z_Daily_2006-2014.txt
5.2.3. ErkenSimTemp24h_temp_Daily_2015-2016.txt
5.2.4. ErkenSimTemp24h_z_Daily_2015-2016.txt
5.3. Synthetic hourly data set:
5.3.1. ErkenSimTemp24h_temp_SyntheticHourly_2006-2014.txt
5.3.2. ErkenSimTemp24h_z_SyntheticHourly_2006-2014.txt
5.3.3. ErkenSimTemp24h_temp_SyntheticHourly_2015-2016.txt
5.3.4. ErkenSimTemp24h_z_SyntheticHourly_2015-2016.txt



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Lake Erken
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


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How to Cite

Ayala, A. I., D. C. Pierson, S. Moras (2019). GOTM water temperature simulations forced at different frequency in the meteorological inputs in Lake Erken (Sweden), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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