Ground-based ecohydrological measurements from a bioswale in midtown Detroit, MI
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Owners: | Kyotaek HwangShirley Anne Papuga |
Type: | Resource |
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Created: | Aug 23, 2022 at 6:02 a.m. |
Last updated: | Aug 23, 2022 at 6:21 a.m. |
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This resource contains ground-based ecohydrological measurements from a retrofitted bioswale in the Wayne State University campus (Detroit, MI). Weekly measurements were acquired in 2018 and 2019.
- Column 1: Year
- Column 2: Day of year
- Column 3: Soil moisture - north bioswale (%)
- Column 4: Soil moisture - south bioswale (%)
- Column 5: Soil moisture - north central bioswale (%)
- Column 6: Soil moisture - south central bioswale (%)
- Column 7: Normalized greenness index - north facing
- Column 8: Normalized greenness index - south facing
- Column 9: Stomatal conductance - swamp milkweed (mmol m-2 s-1)
- Column 10: Stomatal conductance - hoary verbena (mmol m-2 s-1)
- Column 11: Stomatal conductance - lanceleaf coreopsis (mmol m-2 s-1)
- Column 12: Air temperature - north bioswale (degC)
- Column 13: Air temperature - central bioswale (degC)
- Column 14: Air temperature - south bioswale (degC)
- Column 15: Relative humidity - north bioswale (%)
- Column 16: Relative humidity - central bioswale (%)
- Column 17: Relative humidity - south bioswale (%)
- Column 18: Precipitation - Detroit City Airport (mm)
Subject Keywords
Start Date: | 01/01/2018 |
End Date: | 12/31/2019 |

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