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The Red Buttes Hydrogeophysics Test Site, owned by the University of Wyoming, is about 19 km south of Laramie, Wyoming. The geologic structure consists of three shallow-dipping, sub-horizontal layers in the near surface: an unconsolidated clay loam, the Satanka Formation, and the Epsilon Sandstone Member of the Casper Formation. The unsaturated 3-4 m thick clay loam is a low-resistivity layer that overlies the lower- resistivity silty-claystone of the Satanka Formation, found to 12 m depth. Finally, starting approximately 12 m below the surface is the consolidated Casper Formation Epsilon sandstone. The Epsilon sandstone is generally observed to have a much higher resistivity than the overburden.
This dataset contains a range of measurements acquired at the Test Site that may be useful for instrument calibration/validation, joint-measurements comparisons, and demonstration datasets.
Please leave a comment if you download and/or use these data for research or teaching! We'd love to know if it is useful to you, and work to improve the dataset in the future!
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Parsekian, A. D., Claes, N., Singha, K., Minsley, B. J., Carr, B., Voytek, E., ... & Flinchum, B. (2017). Comparing measurement response and inverted results of electrical resistivity tomography instruments. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 22(3), 249-266.
This resource is described by
Hein, A., Larsen, J. J., & Parsekian, A. D. (2017). Symmetry based frequency domain processing to remove harmonic noise from surface nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. Geophysical Journal International, 208(2), 724-736.
This resource is described by
Parsekian, A. D., & Grombacher, D. (2015). Uncertainty estimates for surface nuclear magnetic resonance water content and relaxation time profiles from bootstrap statistics. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 119, 61-70.
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