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Annual melting of the snow pack in the Uintah Mountain range flush trace metals from the soil profile into the Provo river. River sampling, in addition to sampling overland flow during melting events indicate the concentrations of trace metals in the watershed. This sampling offers many insights into the chemistry of the watershed, but does not help us locate the origins of trace metals as they are flushed from the soil profile into the Provo river. This study was done to measure spatial variations of physical and chemical soil characteristics that effect the mobility and bioavailability of trace metals during annual snow melt. Our goal is to use data to identify areas within the watershed where pockets of trace metals might be highest. This will allow future soil and water sampling to hone in on specific areas of the watershed. Future sampling will include XRD, static leaching, and isotope analysis. Furthering the knowledge of biogeochemical process in the Provo river watershed. Sample sites were randomly and evenly distributed in the Upper Provo River Watershed. Using long/lat lines on google earth to create 10 quadrants. Two sites within each quadrant were selected to produce 20 sample sites. Four of these 20 sites were purposefully selected due to the presence of lysimeters where previous research had been done in relation to other Provo River iUTAH research projects. This created site ID's, an example being Q1.L1 referring to quadrant 1, and site one which contained a lysimeter. Q1.2 refers to the second site within quadrant one and does not contain a lysimeter. Soil samples were collected contemporaneously using a standard soil T-probe. Visual observations, such as slope, and basic ecological observations such as dominant vegetation type, and observable health of vegetation were also noted. Samples were dried and ground in the BYU Environmental Analytical Lab. Tests performed were: texture (particle fraction analysis), pH (saturated paste), electrical conductivity (EC), % Organic Matter (Wakley-Black titration), Total Carbon/Total Nitrogen (LECO CN Determinator), Nitrate (Chromotrophic Acid), and microwave digestion/ICP-OES. Results were hand recorded before being entered onto an excel spreadsheet. All samples were collected on Monday June 26 2017 between the hours of 7am-7pm.
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