Input data for LSTM and seq2seq LSTM surrogate models for multi-step-ahead street-scale flood forecasting in Norfolk, VA
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Owners: | Binata Roy |
Type: | Resource |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 471.7 MB |
Created: | Aug 30, 2023 at 6:12 p.m. |
Last updated: | May 28, 2024 at 9:33 p.m. |
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This resource includes the input data for LSTM and seq2seq LSTM surrogate models for multi-step-ahead street-scale flood forecasting in Norfolk, VA, USA. The data consists of topographic features: topographic wetness index (TWI), depth to water (DTW) and elevation, and environmental features: hourly rainfall and tide level from gauge stations and water depth generated by the physics-based model TUFLOW.
There are three folders in this resource -
1. The "OriginalData" folder includes the CSV files for the top 20 daily storm events from 2016-2018 for the streets of Norfolk.
2. The "FloodproneStreets" folder includes shapefiles of the street segments (polygons of 7.2 m width x 50 m length) of Norfolk. Alongside, it includes a CSV file containing 22 flood-prone streets selected from the STORM report.
3. The "RelationalDatabase" folder includes three CSV files for node_data (varied spatially), tide_data (varied temporally) and weather_data tide_data (varied spatially and temporally) for efficient data management. The notebook script "create_relational_data.ipynb" is used to convert "OriginalData" to "RelationalDatabase".
The Python script of the LSTM and seq2seq LSTM surrogate models is available on GitHub
The output of the model is forecasted hourly water depth on the 22 flood-prone streets with 4-hr and 8-hr lead.
Subject Keywords
Start Date: | 01/01/2016 |
End Date: | 12/31/2018 |

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This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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