Goshawk Habitat Suitability and Forecasting in Utah National Forests (PhD Chapter)

Owners: Marilyn E WrightSarah BogenCAS Coordinator
Type: Resource
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Created: Aug 08, 2022 at 6:10 p.m.
Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 at 8 p.m.
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Both state and federal wildlife agencies strive to conserve and protect wildlife and their habitats as an important public resource. Applied management decisions often rely on being able to obtain data that can efficiently and effectively enhance the understanding of these systems for informing management actions. Wildlife managers often focus efforts on a small subset of species from an ecosystem, typically called focal species, who can serve as surrogates for understanding the health and function of the system. Models that consider how these focal species interact with the ecosystem are often used to better understand important aspects of their life history, ecology, and conservation needs. In this study, we consider the northern goshawk, a top-tier avian predator often used as a focal species. We conducted a statewide nest site selection model for northern goshawks in Utah using an analytical hierarchy process. We then used the model in conjunction with the Forest Vegetation Simulator to predict changes to nesting habitat over the next 150 years in Utah under different climate scenarios. Based on consensus between all predictions, we identified potential refugia, especially in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache and Ashley National Forests, that remains intact as high suitability nesting habitat under all climate scenarios.



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
National Forests within Utah
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


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Related Resources

This resource belongs to the following collections:
Title Owners Sharing Status My Permission
Climate Adaptation Science Project Work CAS Coordinator · David Rosenberg  Public &  Shareable Open Access


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation 1633756

How to Cite

Wright, M. E., S. Bogen (2023). Goshawk Habitat Suitability and Forecasting in Utah National Forests (PhD Chapter), HydroShare, http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/e62c57ef9bc547fbbe8a64cddffca24b

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.



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