HydroLearn: Facilitating the development, adaptation and sharing of active-learning resources in hydrology education

Owners: David TarbotonEmad H HabibDan Ames
Type: Resource
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Created: Sep 01, 2019 at 2 p.m.
Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 at 2:30 p.m.
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Lightning presentation and workshop presented at CUAHSI HydroInformatics Conference, 2019. https://www.cuahsi.org/community/cuahsi-science-meetings/

This workshop is offered for hydrology faculty interested in implementing or adapting active-learning, data-driven resources to their educational settings. The workshop aspires to create faculty networking and development opportunities with the overall goal of promoting and reducing barriers against adoption of active-learning resources in hydrology. The workshop will use the recently developed NSF-sponsored HydroLearn platform, along with resources from CUAHSI, HydroShare and other community platforms, to enable participating faculty to develop and share educational resources. The workshop will showcase existing seed modules and will cover best practices in developing student-centered learning activities, including the design of pedagogically-sound learning objectives and assessment rubrics. Faculty who currently teach hydrology-related courses are encouraged to participate, especially those who teach undergraduate or early-level graduate courses. Interested faculty may also be invited to participate in a follow-up funded fellowship program to engage in a semester-long adoption and field testing of the HydroLearn platform and its content. The workshop will be jointly conducted by hydrology faculty along with an expert in education research.


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Related Resources

This resource is referenced by 2019 CUAHSI Hydroinformatics Conference, Provo, Utah, July 29-31, 2019. https://www.cuahsi.org/community/cuahsi-science-meetings/


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Improving Student Learning in Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering by Enabling the Development, Sharing and Interoperability of Active Learning Resources DUE 1726965, DUE 1725989, DUE 1726667

How to Cite

Habib, E., M. Gallagher, J. Byrd, O. LaHaye, C. Rivet, M. LaCombe, D. Tarboton, S. Black, D. Ames (2023). HydroLearn: Facilitating the development, adaptation and sharing of active-learning resources in hydrology education, HydroShare, http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/e8f8e37f53284b6db2ccaf0f97fab169

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.



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