Dataset for seasonal and climatic drivers of wet deposition organic matter at the continental scale

Owners: Deni Murray
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Created: Feb 02, 2024 at 4:01 p.m.
Last updated: Feb 02, 2024 at 4:10 p.m.
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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations and composition within wet deposition are rarely monitored despite contributing a large input of bioavailable dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) to the earth’s surface. Lacking from the literature are spatially comprehensive assessments of simultaneous measurements of wet deposition DOC and DON chemistry and their dependencies on metrics of climate and environmental factors. Here, we use archived precipitation samples from the US National Atmospheric Deposition Program collected in 2017–2018 from 17 sites across ecoregions of the United States to investigate variability in the concentration and composition of depositional DOM. We hypothesize metrics of DOM chemistry vary with season, ecoregion, large-scale climate drivers, and precipitation geographic source. Findings indicate differences in DOC and DON concentrations among ecoregions with highest concentrations in the Northern Forests and lowest concentrations in Marine West Coast Forests. Summer and autumn samples contained the highest DOC concentrations and DON concentrations that were consistently above detection limit. DOC: DON ratios exhibit lower values on the west coast and higher ratios toward the east coast. Compositional trends suggest lighter DOM molecules in autumn and winter and heavier molecules in spring and summer. Climate drivers explain 62% of variation in DOM chemistry, revealing distinct influences on the concentrations of DOC versus DON. This study highlights the necessity of incorporating DOC and DON measurements into national deposition monitoring networks, and offers insights into the influence of climate change on wet deposition DOM.



Start Date: 01/01/2017
End Date: 01/01/2019


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How to Cite

Murray, D., A. Wymore (2024). Dataset for seasonal and climatic drivers of wet deposition organic matter at the continental scale, HydroShare,

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