Kendra Elena Kaiser
University of Idaho;Idaho Water Resources Research Institute | Director, Idaho Water Resources Research Institute
Subject Areas: | Watershed Hydrology, Ecohydrology, water management |
Recent Activity
Geospatial data of the irrigation canals in the Treasure Valley of Idaho. Hawk Stone with the Idaho DEQ used an initial irrigation canal coverage and built the remaining network using aerial imagery, discussions with the irrigation entities, and substantial field verification. To increase usability of the spatial data Taylor Tatum and Bridget Bittmann updated the named features using diversion data, additional features were added using remote sensing (World Imagery on ArcGIS Pro, and features were categorized into classes to more easily sort the dataset.
This dataset includes measurements of volumetric water content (VWC %) at the plot (707 m2) and landscape scale (42 sites distributed across a 400 ha catchment). At the plot scale, 30 VWC measurements were made 4 times over the growing season, and at the landscape scale measurements were made weekly from May 29th to August 6th 2013 (11 time points). Relative coordinates of the 30 sampling points within the plots are provided as xy data for use in variogram or correlogram analysis. Values of terrain metrics for each site are included at 3m and 10m resolutions. More details and the associated analysis can be found in Kaiser, K.E. and B.L. McGlynn, (2018), Nested scales of spatial and temporal variability of soil water content across a semi-arid montane catchment. Water Resources Research. Please contact for additional information or to use data.
Modeling the coupled social and biophysical dynamics of water resource systems is increasingly important due to expanding population, fundamental transitions in the uses of water, and changes in global and regional water cycling driven by climate change. Models that explicitly represent the coupled dynamics of biophysical and social components of water resource systems are challenging to design and implement, particularly given the complicated and cross-scale nature of water governance. Agent based models (ABMs) have emerged as a tool that can capture human decision-making and nested social hierarchies. The transferability of many agent-based models of water resource systems, however, is made difficult by the location-specific details of these models. The often ad-hoc nature of the design and implementation of these models also complicates integration of high fidelity sub-models that capture biophysical dynamics like surface-groundwater exchange and the influence of global markets for commodities that drive water use. A consistent, transferable description of the individuals, groups, and/or agencies that make decisions about water resources would significantly advance the rate at which ABMs of water resource systems can be developed, enhance their applicability across ranges of spatiotemporal scales, and aid in the synthesis and comparison of models across different sites. We outline here a framework to systematically identify the primary agents that influence the storage, redistribution, and use of water within a given system.
This resource is the literature review that supports our proposed water resources agent types that capture the operational roles that modify the water balance (see Kaiser et al., 2020). This typology characterizes common actors in water management systems but can be modified to represent the particularities of specific systems when more detailed information about specific actors is available (e.g. social networks, demographics, learning and decision-making processes). Application of the proposed typologies will support the systematic design and development of transferable scaleable water resources ABMs and facilitate the dynamical coupling of social and biophysical process modeling.
This data includes cumulative measurements of CH4 flux, average soil water content, and average soil temperature for 32 sites distributed across the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, MT in the 2013 growing season (May 29th- September 12th). It also includes the associated terrain metrics derived from 3m and 10m DEMs and soil characteristics measured from soil samples. More details and the associated analysis can be found in Kaiser, K.E., B.L. McGlynn, and J.E. Dore (2018), Landscape analysis of methane across complex terrain, Biogeosciences. Please contact for additional information or to use data.
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Created: Feb. 3, 2017, 3:40 a.m.
Authors: Kendra E. Kaiser · Brian L. McGlynn · John E. Dore
This data includes cumulative measurements of CH4 flux, average soil water content, and average soil temperature for 32 sites distributed across the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, MT in the 2013 growing season (May 29th- September 12th). It also includes the associated terrain metrics derived from 3m and 10m DEMs and soil characteristics measured from soil samples. More details and the associated analysis can be found in Kaiser, K.E., B.L. McGlynn, and J.E. Dore (2018), Landscape analysis of methane across complex terrain, Biogeosciences. Please contact for additional information or to use data.

Created: Aug. 22, 2018, 7:22 p.m.
Authors: Kendra E. Kaiser · Alejandro N. Flores · Vicken Hillis
Modeling the coupled social and biophysical dynamics of water resource systems is increasingly important due to expanding population, fundamental transitions in the uses of water, and changes in global and regional water cycling driven by climate change. Models that explicitly represent the coupled dynamics of biophysical and social components of water resource systems are challenging to design and implement, particularly given the complicated and cross-scale nature of water governance. Agent based models (ABMs) have emerged as a tool that can capture human decision-making and nested social hierarchies. The transferability of many agent-based models of water resource systems, however, is made difficult by the location-specific details of these models. The often ad-hoc nature of the design and implementation of these models also complicates integration of high fidelity sub-models that capture biophysical dynamics like surface-groundwater exchange and the influence of global markets for commodities that drive water use. A consistent, transferable description of the individuals, groups, and/or agencies that make decisions about water resources would significantly advance the rate at which ABMs of water resource systems can be developed, enhance their applicability across ranges of spatiotemporal scales, and aid in the synthesis and comparison of models across different sites. We outline here a framework to systematically identify the primary agents that influence the storage, redistribution, and use of water within a given system.
This resource is the literature review that supports our proposed water resources agent types that capture the operational roles that modify the water balance (see Kaiser et al., 2020). This typology characterizes common actors in water management systems but can be modified to represent the particularities of specific systems when more detailed information about specific actors is available (e.g. social networks, demographics, learning and decision-making processes). Application of the proposed typologies will support the systematic design and development of transferable scaleable water resources ABMs and facilitate the dynamical coupling of social and biophysical process modeling.

Created: Sept. 13, 2018, 9:56 p.m.
Authors: Kendra Kaiser · Brian McGlynn
This dataset includes measurements of volumetric water content (VWC %) at the plot (707 m2) and landscape scale (42 sites distributed across a 400 ha catchment). At the plot scale, 30 VWC measurements were made 4 times over the growing season, and at the landscape scale measurements were made weekly from May 29th to August 6th 2013 (11 time points). Relative coordinates of the 30 sampling points within the plots are provided as xy data for use in variogram or correlogram analysis. Values of terrain metrics for each site are included at 3m and 10m resolutions. More details and the associated analysis can be found in Kaiser, K.E. and B.L. McGlynn, (2018), Nested scales of spatial and temporal variability of soil water content across a semi-arid montane catchment. Water Resources Research. Please contact for additional information or to use data.

Created: Sept. 21, 2022, 8:26 p.m.
Authors: Taylor Tatum · Bridget Bittmann · Hawk Stone · Kaiser, Kendra Elena
Geospatial data of the irrigation canals in the Treasure Valley of Idaho. Hawk Stone with the Idaho DEQ used an initial irrigation canal coverage and built the remaining network using aerial imagery, discussions with the irrigation entities, and substantial field verification. To increase usability of the spatial data Taylor Tatum and Bridget Bittmann updated the named features using diversion data, additional features were added using remote sensing (World Imagery on ArcGIS Pro, and features were categorized into classes to more easily sort the dataset.