Tyler Will Miesse

George Mason University
Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering (CEIE) | Mason Flood Hazards Lab

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These datasets include measurements of wave conditions, and vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density) during the period of (2021-2023) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center, Maryland, USA. Measurements were carried out with RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, and vegetation measurement locations are approximate. The team measured 1) the percent cover of each individual species, 2) canopy height, stem diameter and density, and 3) waves.
This fieldwork is part of the project “EESLR 2019: Quantifying the benefits of natural and nature-based features in Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to inform conservation and management under future sea level rise scenarios” funded by NOAA (Award# NA19NOS4780179). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The overall goal of the project is to quantify the wave attenuation and flood reduction benefits of marshes, SAV and other natural and nature-based features (NNBF) along the shores of Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays. This project will inform management actions by DNR to maintain or enhance the ecosystem services of marshes and other natural features on state-owned lands; re-evaluate Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration goals; improve existing conservation prioritization tools; and provide relatable, local examples to advance efforts by DNR, TNC, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (ESLC) and others to promote the use of NNBF in the county and municipal adaptation plans.

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These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2020-2021) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in the Karen Noonan Center within the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Maryland, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth.
This field work is part of the project “EESLR 2019: Quantifying the benefits of natural and nature-based features in Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to inform conservation and management under future sea level rise scenarios” funded by NOAA (Award# NA19NOS4780179). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The overall goal of the project is to quantify the wave attenuation and flood reduction benefits of marshes, SAV and other natural and nature-based features (NNBF) along the shores of Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays. This project will inform management actions by DNR to maintain or enhance the ecosystem services of marshes and other natural features on state-owned lands; re-evaluate Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration goals; improve existing conservation prioritization tools; and provide relatable, local examples to advance efforts by DNR, TNC, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (ESLC) and others to promote the use of NNBF in county and municipal adaptation plans.

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These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2020-2021) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Franklin Point State Park, Maryland, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team will measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth.
This field work is part of the project “EESLR 2019: Quantifying the benefits of natural and nature-based features in Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to inform conservation and management under future sea level rise scenarios” funded by NOAA (Award# NA19NOS4780179). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The overall goal of the project is to quantify the wave attenuation and flood reduction benefits of marshes, SAV and other natural and nature-based features (NNBF) along the shores of Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays. This project will inform management actions by DNR to maintain or enhance the ecosystem services of marshes and other natural features on state-owned lands; re-evaluate Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration goals; improve existing conservation prioritization tools; and provide relatable, local examples to advance efforts by DNR, TNC, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (ESLC) and others to promote the use of NNBF in county and municipal adaptation plans.

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These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2020-2021) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth.
This field work is part of the project “EESLR 2019: Quantifying the benefits of natural and nature-based features in Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to inform conservation and management under future sea level rise scenarios” funded by NOAA (Award# NA19NOS4780179). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The overall goal of the project is to quantify the wave attenuation and flood reduction benefits of marshes, SAV and other natural and nature-based features (NNBF) along the shores of Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays. This project will inform management actions by DNR to maintain or enhance the ecosystem services of marshes and other natural features on state-owned lands; re-evaluate Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration goals; improve existing conservation prioritization tools; and provide relatable, local examples to advance efforts by DNR, TNC, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (ESLC) and others to promote the use of NNBF in county and municipal adaptation plans.

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These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2015-2016) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Monie Bay, Maryland, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured: 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth.
This field work is part of the project “Quantifying storm surge attenuation by wetlands” funded by the US Department of the Interior (DOI) & National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) as part of the Hurricane Sandy Relief Program (Award#43932). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University and the United Stated Geological Survey (USGS). This project quantified the ability of salt marshes in the Chesapeake Bay to attenuate coastal hazards; including the attenuation of storm surge and the reduction of wave energy by these natural ecosystems. The project documented the interaction of storm surges and waves with marshes by measuring hydrodynamic conditions in the field during extreme events (waves, currents and water levels), vegetation characteristics and topo-bathymetric surveys in 4 natural preserves in the Chesapeake Bay during the extent of the project, including several coastal storms and hurricanes.

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This project quantified the ability of salt marshes in the Chesapeake Bay to attenuate coastal hazards; including the attenuation of storm surge and the reduction of wave energy by these natural ecosystems. The project documented the interaction of storm surges and waves with marshes by measuring hydrodynamic conditions in the field during extreme events (waves, currents and water levels), vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density) and topo-bathymetric surveys in several natural preserves in the Chesapeake Bay during the extent of the project, including several coastal storms and hurricanes. All the field procedures, data processing, equipment and project methodology are described in the QAPP document. This dataset provides the information for the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge.

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This project quantified the ability of salt marshes in the Chesapeake Bay to attenuate coastal hazards; including the attenuation of storm surge and the reduction of wave energy by these natural ecosystems. The project documented the interaction of storm surges and waves with marshes by measuring hydrodynamic conditions in the field during extreme events (waves, currents and water levels), vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density) and topo-bathymetric surveys in several natural preserves in the Chesapeake Bay during the extent of the project, including several coastal storms and hurricanes. All the field procedures, data processing, equipment and project methodology are described in the QAPP document. This dataset provides the information for the Magothy Bay Natural Area Preserve.

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Storm surges, Waves, Hydrodynamics and Vegetation Surveys in Magothy Bay Natural Area Preserve, VA, USA (2014-2017)
Created: June 23, 2021, 9:07 p.m.
Authors: Ferreira, Celso · Dan Bentley · Alayna Bigalbal · Jana Haddad · Juan Luis Garzon Hervas · Arslaan Khalid · Prakriti Khanal · Beverly Lanza · Lindsey Kellar · Seth Lawler · de Lima, Andre · Miesse, Tyler Will · Eleonore Paquier · Ali M Rezaie · Vecchio, Anthony


These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2014-2017) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Magothy Bay Natural Area Preserve, Virginia, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth. All the field procedures, data processing, equipment, and project methodology are described in the QAPP document.
This field work is part of the project “Quantifying storm surge attenuation by wetlands” funded by the US Department of the Interior (DOI) & National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) as part of the Hurricane Sandy Relief Program (Award#43932). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University and the United Stated Geological Survey (USGS). This project quantified the ability of salt marshes in the Chesapeake Bay to attenuate coastal hazards; including the attenuation of storm surge and the reduction of wave energy by these natural ecosystems. The project documented the interaction of storm surges and waves with marshes by measuring hydrodynamic conditions in the field during extreme events (waves, currents and water levels), vegetation characteristics and topo-bathymetric surveys in 4 natural preserves in the Chesapeake Bay during the extent of the project, including several coastal storms and hurricanes.

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Storm surges, Waves, Hydrodynamics and Vegetation Surveys in Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge, VA, USA (2014-2017)
Created: June 23, 2021, 9:30 p.m.
Authors: Ferreira, Celso · Dan Bentley · Alayna Bigalbal · Jana Haddad · Juan Luis Garzon Hervas · Arslaan Khalid · Prakriti Khanal · Lindsey Kellar · Beverly Lanza · Seth Lawler · de Lima, Andre · Elonore Paquier · Miesse, Tyler Will · Ali M Rezaie · Vecchio, Anthony


These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2014-2017) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth. All the field procedures, data processing, equipment, and project methodology are described in the QAPP document.
This field work is part of the project “Quantifying storm surge attenuation by wetlands” funded by the US Department of the Interior (DOI) & National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) as part of the Hurricane Sandy Relief Program (Award#43932). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University and the United Stated Geological Survey (USGS). This project quantified the ability of salt marshes in the Chesapeake Bay to attenuate coastal hazards; including the attenuation of storm surge and the reduction of wave energy by these natural ecosystems. The project documented the interaction of storm surges and waves with marshes by measuring hydrodynamic conditions in the field during extreme events (waves, currents and water levels), vegetation characteristics and topo-bathymetric surveys in 4 natural preserves in the Chesapeake Bay during the extent of the project, including several coastal storms and hurricanes.

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Storm surges, Waves, Hydrodynamics and Vegetation Surveys in Deal Island, MD, USA (2018)
Created: June 23, 2021, 9:31 p.m.
Authors: Ferreira, Celso · Juan Luis Garzon Hervas · Dan Bentley · Prakriti Khanal · de Lima, Andre · Vecchio, Anthony · Miesse, Tyler Will · Ali M Rezaie


These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2018) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Deal Island, Maryland, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth. All the field procedures, data processing, equipment, and project methodology are described in the QAPP document.
This field work is part of the project “Quantifying storm surge attenuation by wetlands” funded by The Nature Conservancy. The project is a collaboration between George Mason University, The Nature Conservancy and The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

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Storm surges, Waves, and Hydrodynamics in Dameron Marsh Natural Area Preserve, VA, USA (2013-2016)
Created: June 23, 2021, 9:32 p.m.
Authors: Ferreira, Celso · Dan Bentley · Alayna Bigalbal · Jana Haddad · Juan Luis Garzon Hervas · Arslaan Khalid · Prakriti Khanal · Beverly Lanza · Lindsey Kellar · de Lima, Andre · Seth Lawler · Ali M Rezaie · Eleonore Paquier · Miesse, Tyler Will · Vecchio, Anthony


These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2013-2016) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Dameron Marsh Natural Area Preserve, Virginia, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth. All the field procedures, data processing, equipment, and project methodology are described in the QAPP document.
This field work is part of the project “Quantifying storm surge attenuation by wetlands” funded by the US Department of the Interior (DOI) & National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) as part of the Hurricane Sandy Relief Program (Award#43932). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University and the United Stated Geological Survey (USGS). This project quantified the ability of salt marshes in the Chesapeake Bay to attenuate coastal hazards; including the attenuation of storm surge and the reduction of wave energy by these natural ecosystems. The project documented the interaction of storm surges and waves with marshes by measuring hydrodynamic conditions in the field during extreme events (waves, currents and water levels), vegetation characteristics and topo-bathymetric surveys in 4 natural preserves in the Chesapeake Bay during the extent of the project, including several coastal storms and hurricanes.

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Storm surges, Hydrodynamics and Vegetation Surveys in Monie Bay, MD, USA (2015-2016)
Created: June 23, 2021, 9:33 p.m.
Authors: Ferreira, Celso · Dan Bentley · Alayna Bigalbal · Jana Haddad · Juan Luis Garzon Hervas · Arslaan Khalid · Prakriti Khanal · Lindsey Kellar · Beverly Lanza · Seth Lawler · de Lima, Andre · Miesse, Tyler Will · Eleonore Paquier · Ali M Rezaie · Vecchio, Anthony


These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2015-2016) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Monie Bay, Maryland, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured: 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth.
This field work is part of the project “Quantifying storm surge attenuation by wetlands” funded by the US Department of the Interior (DOI) & National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) as part of the Hurricane Sandy Relief Program (Award#43932). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University and the United Stated Geological Survey (USGS). This project quantified the ability of salt marshes in the Chesapeake Bay to attenuate coastal hazards; including the attenuation of storm surge and the reduction of wave energy by these natural ecosystems. The project documented the interaction of storm surges and waves with marshes by measuring hydrodynamic conditions in the field during extreme events (waves, currents and water levels), vegetation characteristics and topo-bathymetric surveys in 4 natural preserves in the Chesapeake Bay during the extent of the project, including several coastal storms and hurricanes.

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These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2020-2021) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth.
This field work is part of the project “EESLR 2019: Quantifying the benefits of natural and nature-based features in Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to inform conservation and management under future sea level rise scenarios” funded by NOAA (Award# NA19NOS4780179). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The overall goal of the project is to quantify the wave attenuation and flood reduction benefits of marshes, SAV and other natural and nature-based features (NNBF) along the shores of Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays. This project will inform management actions by DNR to maintain or enhance the ecosystem services of marshes and other natural features on state-owned lands; re-evaluate Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration goals; improve existing conservation prioritization tools; and provide relatable, local examples to advance efforts by DNR, TNC, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (ESLC) and others to promote the use of NNBF in county and municipal adaptation plans.

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These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2020-2021) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Franklin Point State Park, Maryland, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team will measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth.
This field work is part of the project “EESLR 2019: Quantifying the benefits of natural and nature-based features in Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to inform conservation and management under future sea level rise scenarios” funded by NOAA (Award# NA19NOS4780179). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The overall goal of the project is to quantify the wave attenuation and flood reduction benefits of marshes, SAV and other natural and nature-based features (NNBF) along the shores of Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays. This project will inform management actions by DNR to maintain or enhance the ecosystem services of marshes and other natural features on state-owned lands; re-evaluate Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration goals; improve existing conservation prioritization tools; and provide relatable, local examples to advance efforts by DNR, TNC, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (ESLC) and others to promote the use of NNBF in county and municipal adaptation plans.

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These datasets include measurements of hydrodynamic (currents and water levels) and wave conditions, vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density), and topo-bathymetric features during the period of (2020-2021) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in the Karen Noonan Center within the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Maryland, USA. Hydrodynamic measurements were carried out with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) (Aquadopp Nortek 2 MHz) and RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, topo-bathy data and vegetation measurement’s locations are georeferenced using a differential GPS Trimble R4. SAV measurements (when present) were carried out by using haphazardly placed 0.25m2 quadrats. At each site, the team measured 1) total SAV percent cover, 2) percent cover of each individual species, 3) canopy height, 4) epiphyte presence on SAV leaf blades, and 5) water depth.
This field work is part of the project “EESLR 2019: Quantifying the benefits of natural and nature-based features in Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to inform conservation and management under future sea level rise scenarios” funded by NOAA (Award# NA19NOS4780179). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The overall goal of the project is to quantify the wave attenuation and flood reduction benefits of marshes, SAV and other natural and nature-based features (NNBF) along the shores of Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays. This project will inform management actions by DNR to maintain or enhance the ecosystem services of marshes and other natural features on state-owned lands; re-evaluate Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration goals; improve existing conservation prioritization tools; and provide relatable, local examples to advance efforts by DNR, TNC, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (ESLC) and others to promote the use of NNBF in county and municipal adaptation plans.

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Storm surges, Waves and Vegetation Surveys in Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center, MD, USA (2021-2022)
Created: Feb. 9, 2023, 3:31 p.m.
Authors: Celso Ferreira · Felicio Cassalho · Gustavo de Almeida Coelho · Daniel Coleman · Martin Henke · Andre de Lima · Tyler Will Miesse · Anthony Vecchio


These datasets include measurements of wave conditions, and vegetation bio-mechanic characteristics (biomass, stem height, diameter, and density) during the period of (2021-2023) that were measured in the field during extreme events, regular tidal cycles, and over different seasons. This dataset provides the information for the campaigns in Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center, Maryland, USA. Measurements were carried out with RBR D-wave sensors; vegetation surveys included the measurements of vegetation height, diameter and stem spacing using randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats on the ground surface. The sensors, and vegetation measurement locations are approximate. The team measured 1) the percent cover of each individual species, 2) canopy height, stem diameter and density, and 3) waves.
This fieldwork is part of the project “EESLR 2019: Quantifying the benefits of natural and nature-based features in Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to inform conservation and management under future sea level rise scenarios” funded by NOAA (Award# NA19NOS4780179). The project is a collaboration between George Mason University, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The overall goal of the project is to quantify the wave attenuation and flood reduction benefits of marshes, SAV and other natural and nature-based features (NNBF) along the shores of Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays. This project will inform management actions by DNR to maintain or enhance the ecosystem services of marshes and other natural features on state-owned lands; re-evaluate Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration goals; improve existing conservation prioritization tools; and provide relatable, local examples to advance efforts by DNR, TNC, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy (ESLC) and others to promote the use of NNBF in the county and municipal adaptation plans.

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