Wendy Robertson

Central Michigan University
CMU Institute for Great Lakes Research

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These files contain the hydrometeorological (Wind Speed, Wind Gusts, Wind Direction; Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Barometric Pressure; Solar Radiation (PYR); Soil Temperature, Soil Moisture) and shallow groundwater level observations (Barometrically Compensated) from two 10m plots located in the the riparian zone of Augusta Creek, Michigan on the WK Kellogg Experimental Forest Property (MSU). The plots (gap, forest) represent a high (> 85%) and low (< 20%) EAB-induced mortality of overstory trees. Data were collected from 9/2018 through 9/2023.

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Dynamically downscaled future climate projections for 5 locations in the Saginaw Bay Watershed, Michigan, United States for use in hydrologic modeling. The 5 locations contain bias corrected data for the years 2085-2099 under an RCP 8.5 scenario for daily maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed, soil temperature, and radiation.

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The .csv file contains data on wetland water level, precipitation, wind speed, direction, gust, and barometric pressure recorded at 15 minute intervals in an incipient foredune/swale wetland complex on Beaver Island, MI. Each file contains the data capturing the influence of meteotsunami waves on the isolated wetland. One case study has been shared: 07/20/2019. Note, due to wind/wave damage surface water levels in the wetland are not available for the 7/20/2019 case.

variable names and units
Date_Time: date and time stamp; Beaver Island is in the eastern time zone
PRCP_mm: liquid precipitation in mm
Wind_Speed_ms: average wind speed, m/s
Wind_dir_az: average wind direction, azimuth
Wind_gust_ms: maximum wind gust recorded, m/s
Baro_kPa: barometric pressure, kilopascals
Wetland_Gwlevel_masl: groundwater level recorded at 0.75 m below sediment surface; meters above sea level
Wetland_swlevel_masl: surface water level in the wetland; meters above sea level

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Station 1 Wetland Data Beaver Island MI
Created: Aug. 24, 2021, 3:05 p.m.
Authors: Robertson, Wendy · Kluver, Daria


The .csv file contains data on wetland water level, precipitation, wind speed, direction, gust, and barometric pressure recorded at 15 minute intervals in an incipient foredune/swale wetland complex on Beaver Island, MI. Each file contains the data capturing the influence of meteotsunami waves on the isolated wetland. One case study has been shared: 07/20/2019. Note, due to wind/wave damage surface water levels in the wetland are not available for the 7/20/2019 case.

variable names and units
Date_Time: date and time stamp; Beaver Island is in the eastern time zone
PRCP_mm: liquid precipitation in mm
Wind_Speed_ms: average wind speed, m/s
Wind_dir_az: average wind direction, azimuth
Wind_gust_ms: maximum wind gust recorded, m/s
Baro_kPa: barometric pressure, kilopascals
Wetland_Gwlevel_masl: groundwater level recorded at 0.75 m below sediment surface; meters above sea level
Wetland_swlevel_masl: surface water level in the wetland; meters above sea level

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Dynamically downscaled future climate projections for 5 locations in the Saginaw Bay Watershed, Michigan, United States for use in hydrologic modeling. The 5 locations contain bias corrected data for the years 2085-2099 under an RCP 8.5 scenario for daily maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed, soil temperature, and radiation.

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WK Kellogg Experimental Forest Emerald Ash Borer Plot Obs
Created: April 12, 2023, 1:01 p.m.
Authors: Robertson, Wendy · Krzemien, Sarah


These files contain the hydrometeorological (Wind Speed, Wind Gusts, Wind Direction; Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Barometric Pressure; Solar Radiation (PYR); Soil Temperature, Soil Moisture) and shallow groundwater level observations (Barometrically Compensated) from two 10m plots located in the the riparian zone of Augusta Creek, Michigan on the WK Kellogg Experimental Forest Property (MSU). The plots (gap, forest) represent a high (> 85%) and low (< 20%) EAB-induced mortality of overstory trees. Data were collected from 9/2018 through 9/2023.

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