Aaron Sigman

Utah State University

Subject Areas: River modelling and mechanics

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My final project in my Spring 2023 Remote Sensing class. This project is an exploration into land classification using google earth engine via python and hydroshare's jupyter notebook. This project identifies a region in the South Metro Denver, CO, pulls in NLCD and landsat8 images from multiple years to identify changes to land cover classification over time.

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This code retrieves stream info from nwis using the dataretrieval tool in python. You can input site, parameters, and dates at the top. This code pulls daily measurements, annual_stats, and daily_stats.
We calculate 30-year normals, as well as plot annual average flows, annual min, max, and mean flows, and percentile flows. This resource only pulls from the USGS ftp site and doesn't have or require any local storage.

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Using Python to Access and Plot Streamflow data from NWIS
Created: April 20, 2022, 6:59 p.m.
Authors: Sigman, Aaron


This code retrieves stream info from nwis using the dataretrieval tool in python. You can input site, parameters, and dates at the top. This code pulls daily measurements, annual_stats, and daily_stats.
We calculate 30-year normals, as well as plot annual average flows, annual min, max, and mean flows, and percentile flows. This resource only pulls from the USGS ftp site and doesn't have or require any local storage.

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My final project in my Spring 2023 Remote Sensing class. This project is an exploration into land classification using google earth engine via python and hydroshare's jupyter notebook. This project identifies a region in the South Metro Denver, CO, pulls in NLCD and landsat8 images from multiple years to identify changes to land cover classification over time.

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