Matej Durcik
University of Arizona | Researcher
Subject Areas: | data mamagement |
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The data file includes water stables isotope data (throughfall, seepage, bulk soil water, and xylem water), soil volumetric water content, soil matric potential, leaf water potential, and ecosystem-level transpiration estimates, from the 10-month drought and rainfall labelling experiment at the Biosphere 2 Tropical Rainforest Biome (B2-TRF) in 2014-2015.
Data are organized in the csv files:
• evaristo_b22014_transpiration – ecosystem-level, meteorologically derived evapotranspiration
• evaristo_b22014_lwp – leaf water potential
• evaristo_b22014_swp – soil water potential
• evaristo_b22014_vwc – soil vol. water content
• evaristo_b22014_isotopes_throughfall – throughfall stable isotopes
• evaristo_b22014_isotopes_seepage – seepage stable isotopes
• evaristo_b22014_isotopes_soil – bulk soil water stable isotopes
• evaristo_b22014_isotopes_xylem – xylem water stable isotopes
Daily evaporation, precipitation, streamflow and maximum and minimum temperature for 431 MOPEX catchments and other catchment properties such as drainage area, elevation and slope used to estimate catchment scale groundwater recharge, deep storage and vegetation water use efficiency. Geospatial catchment properties were derived from 90 m SRTM elevation dataset.
Data resources:
Schaake J., S. Cong, and Q Duan (2006) U.S.MOPEX Data Set. Available at:
North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) data available at:
and the data description can be found at:
NASA JPL. (2013). NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 3 arc second [Data set]. NASA LP DAAC.
Available at:
Data for Hydrologic Synthesis Project. Available at:
Partial pressures of soil O2 and CO2 are being measured continuously by four Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Luquillo and Susquehanna Shale Hills. Daily average values are computed from 15, 30 or 60 minute observations.
The data file includes discharge and associated hydrochemical data for La Jara stream water and springs around Redondo Peak in the Valles Caldera Preserve, New Mexico, within the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory, collected from March 2010 to May 2013. Solute chemistry includes pH, temperature, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon, major cations and anions, and Ge for select samples.
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Created: Feb. 7, 2017, 11:34 p.m.
Authors: Jennifer McIntosh · Paul Brooks · Mary Kay Amistadi · Timothy Corley · Xavier Zapata-Rios · Julia Perdrial · Courtney Schaumberg · Alissa White · Mark Losleben · Katherine Condon · Shawn Alexander Pedron · Jon Chorover
The data file includes discharge and associated hydrochemical data for La Jara stream water and springs around Redondo Peak in the Valles Caldera Preserve, New Mexico, within the Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory, collected from March 2010 to May 2013. Solute chemistry includes pH, temperature, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon, major cations and anions, and Ge for select samples.

Created: Sept. 6, 2017, 9:20 p.m.
Authors: Matej Durcik · Jon Chorover · Whendee Silver · Jason Kaye · Zachary Brecheisen
Partial pressures of soil O2 and CO2 are being measured continuously by four Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) Calhoun, Catalina-Jemez, Luquillo and Susquehanna Shale Hills. Daily average values are computed from 15, 30 or 60 minute observations.

Created: Oct. 25, 2017, 6:03 p.m.
Authors: Peter Troch · Ravindra Dwivedi · Antonio Alves Meira Neto · Tao Liu · Tirthankar Roy · Rodrigo Valdés-Pineda · Matej Durcik · Saúl Arciniega-Esparza · José Agustín Breña-Naranjo
Daily evaporation, precipitation, streamflow and maximum and minimum temperature for 431 MOPEX catchments and other catchment properties such as drainage area, elevation and slope used to estimate catchment scale groundwater recharge, deep storage and vegetation water use efficiency. Geospatial catchment properties were derived from 90 m SRTM elevation dataset.
Data resources:
Schaake J., S. Cong, and Q Duan (2006) U.S.MOPEX Data Set. Available at:
North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) data available at:
and the data description can be found at:
NASA JPL. (2013). NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 3 arc second [Data set]. NASA LP DAAC.
Available at:
Data for Hydrologic Synthesis Project. Available at:

Created: Aug. 25, 2018, 12:03 a.m.
Authors: Jaivime Evaristo · Minseok Kim · Joost van Haren · Luke A. Pangle · Ciaran J. Harman · Peter A. Troch · Jeffrey J. McDonnell
The data file includes water stables isotope data (throughfall, seepage, bulk soil water, and xylem water), soil volumetric water content, soil matric potential, leaf water potential, and ecosystem-level transpiration estimates, from the 10-month drought and rainfall labelling experiment at the Biosphere 2 Tropical Rainforest Biome (B2-TRF) in 2014-2015.
Data are organized in the csv files:
• evaristo_b22014_transpiration – ecosystem-level, meteorologically derived evapotranspiration
• evaristo_b22014_lwp – leaf water potential
• evaristo_b22014_swp – soil water potential
• evaristo_b22014_vwc – soil vol. water content
• evaristo_b22014_isotopes_throughfall – throughfall stable isotopes
• evaristo_b22014_isotopes_seepage – seepage stable isotopes
• evaristo_b22014_isotopes_soil – bulk soil water stable isotopes
• evaristo_b22014_isotopes_xylem – xylem water stable isotopes