Daria Kluver
Central Michigan UniversityCMU Institute for Great Lakes Research
Subject Areas: | Climate, hydroclimate, snowfall, Precipitation |
Recent Activity
Dynamically downscaled future climate projections for 5 locations in the Saginaw Bay Watershed, Michigan, United States for use in hydrologic modeling. The 5 locations contain bias corrected data for the years 2085-2099 under an RCP 8.5 scenario for daily maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed, soil temperature, and radiation.
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Created: Dec. 13, 2021, 5:34 p.m.
Authors: Kluver, Daria · Robertson, Wendy
Dynamically downscaled future climate projections for 5 locations in the Saginaw Bay Watershed, Michigan, United States for use in hydrologic modeling. The 5 locations contain bias corrected data for the years 2085-2099 under an RCP 8.5 scenario for daily maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed, soil temperature, and radiation.