Bryce A Mihalevich
Utah State University
M.S. Student
Recent Activity
This resources provides river temperature models for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon (from Glen Canyon Dam to Diamond Creek) and for a section of the Green River (from Flaming Gorge Dam to Mineral Bottom). These models are described and used in the paper "Evaluation of the ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset for process-based river temperature modeling over data sparse and topographically complex regions". (doi: TBD). Both models were developed in HydroCouple.
This resource provides MATLAB scripts and functions to setup ERA5-Land climate reanalysis to be used as inputs to river temperature models developed in HydroCouple. This model was applied to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and in a section of the Green River to provide weather inputs to the dynamic river temperature models described in "Evaluation of the ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset for process-based river temperature modeling over data sparse and topographically complex regions" (doi: TBD)
This collection holds models and associated data for simulating river temperatures in the Colorado Rive basin using ERA5-Land climate reanalysis inputs. The results and findings for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and a sections of the Green River is reported in Water Resources Research article "Evaluation of the ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset for process-based river temperature modeling over data sparse and topographically complex regions".
This resource provides MATLAB scripts and functions to compute topographic shading along a river centerline. This model was applied to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon in order to provide spatiotemporal shading in the dynamic river temperature model described in "Water temperature controls for regulated canyon-bound rivers" (doi: 10.1029/2020WR027566).
This resource provides a dynamic river temperature model for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. This model is described in the Water Resources Research article "Water temperature controls for regulated canyon-bound rivers" (doi: 10.1029/2020WR027566).
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Created: Oct. 18, 2017, 10:10 p.m.
Authors: Bryce Mihalevich · Jeffery S. Horsburgh
This dataset includes data collected using a mobile sensing platform during baseflow and stormflow conditions in the Northwest Field Canal, located in Logan, UT. Data were collected by floating a payload of sensors in a longitudinal transect down the length of the canal and recording latitude, longitude, and several water quality variables, including fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM), observations from custom fluorometers designed for calculating the fluorescence index (FI), dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity. The methods used in collection and processing of these data are described in detail in the methods document included within this resource.

Created: Oct. 18, 2017, 10:15 p.m.
Authors: Bryce Mihalevich · Jeffery S. Horsburgh
This dataset includes grab sample data collected during baseflow and stormflow conditions in the Northwest Field Canal (NWFC), located in Logan, UT. Grab sample data includes results from samples that were analyzed using dissolved organic carbon concentration analysis and excitation emission matrix spectroscopy to determine organic matter concentration and characteristics. Methods used in sample collection and analysis are described in detail within the methods document included as part of this resource.

Created: Oct. 18, 2017, 10:16 p.m.
Authors: Bryce Mihalevich · Jeffery S. Horsburgh · Anthony A. Melcher
This dataset includes time series data collected during baseflow and stormflow conditions in the Northwest Field Canal, located in Logan, UT. Time series data includes fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM), observations from custom fluorometers used to calculate the fluorescence index in situ, turbidity, and rainfall. Methods used for deploying sensors, collecting data, and processing for quality control are described in the methods document contained within this resource.

Created: Oct. 27, 2020, 8:33 p.m.
Authors: Mihalevich, Bryce A
This collection holds models and associated data for simulating river temperatures in the Colorado Rive Basin. The results and findings for the Grand Canyon portion of the Colorado River is reported in Water Resources Research article "Water Temperature Controls for Regulated Canyon‐Bound Rivers" (doi: 10.1029/2020WR027566). This study looks at the importance of a detailed radiation balance when simulating river temperatures in a deep canyon setting. The resources provided here preserve the data used in this study and allow for transparency and reproducibility of this work.

Created: Oct. 27, 2020, 8:36 p.m.
Authors: Mihalevich, Bryce A
This resource provides a dynamic river temperature model for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. This model is described in the Water Resources Research article "Water temperature controls for regulated canyon-bound rivers" (doi: 10.1029/2020WR027566).

Created: Oct. 28, 2020, 4:17 a.m.
Authors: Mihalevich, Bryce A
This resource provides MATLAB scripts and functions to compute topographic shading along a river centerline. This model was applied to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon in order to provide spatiotemporal shading in the dynamic river temperature model described in "Water temperature controls for regulated canyon-bound rivers" (doi: 10.1029/2020WR027566).

Created: March 16, 2022, 2:59 p.m.
Authors: Mihalevich, Bryce A
This collection holds models and associated data for simulating river temperatures in the Colorado Rive basin using ERA5-Land climate reanalysis inputs. The results and findings for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and a sections of the Green River is reported in Water Resources Research article "Evaluation of the ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset for process-based river temperature modeling over data sparse and topographically complex regions".

Created: March 16, 2022, 3:08 p.m.
Authors: Mihalevich, Bryce A
This resource provides MATLAB scripts and functions to setup ERA5-Land climate reanalysis to be used as inputs to river temperature models developed in HydroCouple. This model was applied to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and in a section of the Green River to provide weather inputs to the dynamic river temperature models described in "Evaluation of the ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset for process-based river temperature modeling over data sparse and topographically complex regions" (doi: TBD)

Created: March 16, 2022, 3:48 p.m.
Authors: Mihalevich, Bryce A
This resources provides river temperature models for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon (from Glen Canyon Dam to Diamond Creek) and for a section of the Green River (from Flaming Gorge Dam to Mineral Bottom). These models are described and used in the paper "Evaluation of the ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset for process-based river temperature modeling over data sparse and topographically complex regions". (doi: TBD). Both models were developed in HydroCouple.