Manisha Panthi

Utah State University | Graduate Research Assistant

Subject Areas: River Morphodynmics, Hydraulic Structures, Flood Risk Management, River Restoration

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Water temperature in the river and streams are important for water quality aspects altering the ecology and affecting the survival and habitat of different freshwater flora and fauna. Higher temperatures are hence undesirable in such an environment. This data provides documentation of temperature data of the Logan River, UT using a database structure and a jupyter notebook for extracting and visualizing those data. The visualization of maximum temperature variation for each site for the data period and the month of July shows higher temperatures in Sites 2 (near Mendon Road), 13 (near Blacksmiths fork), and 3 (near Main street) which is not suitable for coldwater fish. The distribution of average temperature variations however shows the temperature within the range of requirement ( less than 20oC).

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The acute and long-term effect on Chinook salmon during flushing events and natural flood events is estimated using the severity index and habitat suitability index at different locations after the events. Suspended sediment concentration at different locations after flushing events are used for determining the acute effects using severity index whereas, changes in bed composition, depth of water column, and velocity are used to estimate the suitability of the habitat of chinook salmon. Both flushing and natural flood scenarios are recreated using Delft 3D models in the Sandy River downstream of Marmot Dam (removed in 2007).

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Habitat Suitability of Chinook Salmon with morphodynamic modelling
Created: April 14, 2022, 6:27 p.m.
Authors: Panthi, Manisha · Aaron A Lee · Sudesh Dahal


The acute and long-term effect on Chinook salmon during flushing events and natural flood events is estimated using the severity index and habitat suitability index at different locations after the events. Suspended sediment concentration at different locations after flushing events are used for determining the acute effects using severity index whereas, changes in bed composition, depth of water column, and velocity are used to estimate the suitability of the habitat of chinook salmon. Both flushing and natural flood scenarios are recreated using Delft 3D models in the Sandy River downstream of Marmot Dam (removed in 2007).

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Water temperature in the river and streams are important for water quality aspects altering the ecology and affecting the survival and habitat of different freshwater flora and fauna. Higher temperatures are hence undesirable in such an environment. This data provides documentation of temperature data of the Logan River, UT using a database structure and a jupyter notebook for extracting and visualizing those data. The visualization of maximum temperature variation for each site for the data period and the month of July shows higher temperatures in Sites 2 (near Mendon Road), 13 (near Blacksmiths fork), and 3 (near Main street) which is not suitable for coldwater fish. The distribution of average temperature variations however shows the temperature within the range of requirement ( less than 20oC).

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