Maya Scott

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This is a demo of the HydroShare Python Notebook Server

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Jupyter Notebook TauDEM was used to define streamflow and subwatersheds in the Logan River Watershed in Utah. To start, "logan.tif" Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data and "LoganOultet.shp" Logan Outlet were used as the main inputs. The final results were "loagnw.tif" subwatershed and "logannet.shp" stream networks. This resource includes both the inputs to and the outputs from Jupyter Notebook TauDEM used for hydrologic terratin analysis in the Logan River Watershed in Utah.

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Logan Digital Elevation Model and Jupyter Notebook used as the starting point for UCGIS 2017 workshop Hydrologic Terrain Analysis Hands On exercise.

To use the Jupyter Notebook TauDEM, click on the "Open With" blue bottom at the top right of this page and choose "JupyterHUB NCSA". Then run the first few cells on the Welcome page. These cells establish a secure connection to the HydroShare and get the main notebook and the inputs to run the example. When the main code and the inputs are retrieved, you can click on "TauDEM.ipynb" to see the code and run it. The Jupyter Notebook also has steps to save all the inputs, outputs, and the main code into a new resource.

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Resource Resource


Logan Digital Elevation Model and Jupyter Notebook used as the starting point for UCGIS 2017 workshop Hydrologic Terrain Analysis Hands On exercise.

To use the Jupyter Notebook TauDEM, click on the "Open With" blue bottom at the top right of this page and choose "JupyterHUB NCSA". Then run the first few cells on the Welcome page. These cells establish a secure connection to the HydroShare and get the main notebook and the inputs to run the example. When the main code and the inputs are retrieved, you can click on "TauDEM.ipynb" to see the code and run it. The Jupyter Notebook also has steps to save all the inputs, outputs, and the main code into a new resource.

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Resource Resource


Jupyter Notebook TauDEM was used to define streamflow and subwatersheds in the Logan River Watershed in Utah. To start, "logan.tif" Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data and "LoganOultet.shp" Logan Outlet were used as the main inputs. The final results were "loagnw.tif" subwatershed and "logannet.shp" stream networks. This resource includes both the inputs to and the outputs from Jupyter Notebook TauDEM used for hydrologic terratin analysis in the Logan River Watershed in Utah.

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Resource Resource
Hello From JupyterHub
Created: May 17, 2017, 2:19 p.m.
Authors: Maya Scott


This is a demo of the HydroShare Python Notebook Server

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