Zaichen Xiang

Colorado State University

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A hdyro-agronomic modeling framework, also referred as to DSSAT-MODFLOW, was developped to quatify alternative management strategies conducive to both groundwater management and crop production sustainability in groundwater-based irrigated regions. The modeling framework links the DSSAT model with MODFLOW, with one DSSAT simulation for each cultivated field within the MODFLOW aquifer modeling domain. Linkage occurs on an annual basis, with DSSAT-simulated irrigation depths and deep percolation coverted to pumping and recharge rates for MODFLOW, respectively. Saturated thickness simulated by MODFLOW constrains pumping rates, irrigation depths, and timing for each pumping well. The modeling framework can be applied for different temporal and spatial scales.

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Quantifying the Impact of Climate and Management Strategies on Groundwater Conservation in the High Plains Aquifer using the DSSAT-MODFLOW Modeling Framework
Created: Sept. 4, 2022, 10:05 p.m.
Authors: Xiang, Zaichen · Ryan T. Bailey · Nozari, Soheil · Isaya Kisekka · Zainab Husain · Prasanna Gowda · Zachary T. Zambreski · Vaishali Sharda · Xiaomao Lin


A hdyro-agronomic modeling framework, also referred as to DSSAT-MODFLOW, was developped to quatify alternative management strategies conducive to both groundwater management and crop production sustainability in groundwater-based irrigated regions. The modeling framework links the DSSAT model with MODFLOW, with one DSSAT simulation for each cultivated field within the MODFLOW aquifer modeling domain. Linkage occurs on an annual basis, with DSSAT-simulated irrigation depths and deep percolation coverted to pumping and recharge rates for MODFLOW, respectively. Saturated thickness simulated by MODFLOW constrains pumping rates, irrigation depths, and timing for each pumping well. The modeling framework can be applied for different temporal and spatial scales.

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