Greg Carling
Brigham Young University
Subject Areas: | Hydrogeochemistry, dust, water chemistry, trace elements |
Recent Activity
We investigated seven glacial watersheds in the Southcentral Alaska region, including Little Susitna, Moose Creek, Matanuska, Knik watersheds in the Chugach/Talkeetna Mountains and the Gulkana, Canwell, and Castner watersheds in the Eastern Alaska Range. To identify spatial and temporal trends in water chemistry across the glacial watersheds, we collected 345 water samples during late spring through early fall of 2022 and 2023 (Fig. 1). The sample sites included Knik (K1 through K4), Matanuska (M1 through M5), Moose Creek (MC), Little Susitna (L1 through L4), Gulkana (G1 and G2), Canwell (CW1 and CW2), and Castner (CT1 and CT2). The upstream sample site in each river was located as close as possible below the main glacier with the other samples extending to the end of the watershed. Given difficult access in the Moose Creek watershed, samples were only collected at the catchment mouth. We collected monthly samples at most of the 21 sites from May through September 2022 and 2023. The sample collection also included weekly samples at four USGS streamflow gauge sites (K3, M4, MC, and LS2). To compare water chemistry in the streams with potential water sources, we collected samples from supraglacial, subglacial, and periglacial streams, a proglacial lake, springs, and tributaries during July/August 2023.
Each sample included multiple subsamples for different analyses. For trace element, major cation, and major anion analysis, water was filtered through a 0.45 µm PES syringe filter using an acid-washed syringe. The trace element/major cation samples were acidified to 2.4% v/v trace metal grade HNO3 and stored in acid-washed 30 mL LDPE bottles. The major anion samples were stored in 15 mL HDPE bottles. Samples for water stable isotopes were collected in amber glass vials with Polyseal caps, leaving no headspace to prevent evaporation. All samples were refrigerated until analysis. Alkalinity, assumed to be HCO3- in the circumneutral samples, was measured on unfiltered samples using a Hach 2444301 Alkalinity Test Kit. Field parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and oxidation-reduction potential) were measured on-site using a YSI Quatro multiparameter probe, calibrated regularly. Field blanks (n=28) were collected weekly by filtering Milli-Q water into an acid-washed 30 mL LDPE bottle and a 15 mL HDPE bottle. These field blank samples were then analyzed in the same way as other samples.
Water samples were analyzed separately for trace elements, major cations, major anions, silicon, and water stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H). Trace element/major cations were analyzed using an Agilent 7500ce quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) for concentrations of Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Fe, Gd, Ho, K, La, Li, Lu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Tb, Th, Tl, U, V, Y, Yb, and Zn. The detection limit was determined as the standard deviation of each element measured on all blanks for each run. A calibration curve was developed from Inorganic Ventures single element standards. A National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard reference material (SRM 1643f) was repeatedly analyzed alongside water samples to serve as a continuing calibration verification. Major anions concentrations (F -, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-) were measured using a Dionex ICS-90 ion chromatograph (IC) with an AS40 autosampler (for 2022 samples) and a Thermo Easion IC with an AS-DV autosampler (for 2023 samples). Water stable isotope measurements (δ18O and δ2H) were measured using a Los Gatos Research Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer (model LWIA-24d). Values were reported relative to the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) standard, with a precision of 0.2‰ and 1‰ for δ18O and δ2H, respectively. Silicon was measured using a Thermo iCAP 7400 duo inductively coupled plasma—optical emissions spectrometer (ICP-OES).
To investigate glacial controls on water chemistry, we instrumented 13 sites in the Dinwoody Creek watershed (Wind River Range, Wyoming) to monitor conductivity and water temperature during the 2018 summer melt season (late June through late September). The primary sites were located along a longitudinal gradient along Dinwoody Creek (labeled Din-1 through Din-7) starting near the toe of Dinwoody Glacier. Additional sites were selected to capture tributary streams draining glacial, non-glacial, and lake-dominated subwatersheds. At each site, we deployed a HOBO U24 low-range conductivity logger protected by PVC housing with 0.5 cm holes to allow water flow. We recovered water temperature data from all 13 loggers and conductivity data from 8 loggers. An air temperature logger was placed near Din-4 to compare with water temperature measurements. All loggers recorded measurements at 15-min or 60-min intervals. To check the accuracy of the conductivity loggers, we measured conductivity with a YSI ProDSS probe at each stream site when loggers were deployed and retrieved, with similar values (within a few µS/cm) across instruments. Conductivity measurements from the HOBO loggers were converted to specific conductance at 25oC using the “low range” data and temperature compensation method for freshwater lakes and streams options in the HOBOware conductivity assistant. Specifics of logger locations, deployment dates, and sample type are provided in on the first tab of the data sheet.
This dataset includes water chemistry from samples collected in the upper Provo River watershed, northern Utah, including river samples from Soapstone, Woodland, and Hailstone, soil water, snowpack, ephemeral streams, and groundwater. The samples were collected during the 2023 water year. The samples include concentrations on unfiltered, filtered (<0.45 micron), and filtered (<0.22 micron) fractions. The water chemistry includes field parameters, water isotopes, major ions, and trace elements. The field and lab methods are described in attached thesis (Caskey, 2024).
This dataset contains quality control level 1 (QC1) data for all of the variables measured by the EXO2 at Provo River near Woodland for the time period 2021-2023. The file contains QC1 data for water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll A, blue green algae, and fDOM. These data have passed QA/QC procedures such as sensor calibration and visual inspection and removal of obvious errors.
This dataset includes water chemistry from samples collected in the upper Provo River watershed, northern Utah, including river samples from Soapstone, Woodland, and Hailstone, soil water, snowpack, ephemeral streams, and groundwater. The samples were collected from 2012-2022. The water chemistry includes field parameters, water isotopes, strontium isotopes, major ions, and trace elements. The field and lab methods are described in Checketts et al. (2020).
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This dataset includes chemistry data from snowpack samples collected across the iUTAH watersheds during spring 2014 and 2015. The field sampling was a collaborative effort by the iUTAH Snow Sampling Team. The chemistry data include stable water isotope ratios (d18O and dD), trace and major element concentrations, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios for selected samples.

Created: Aug. 5, 2016, 4:16 p.m.
Authors: Greg Carling · Dylan Dastrup · Timothy Goodsell
This dataset contains water chemistry data from samples collected at GAMUT sites and other locations in Logan, Red Butte, and Provo River watersheds during 2014-2015. Chemistry includes field parameters, stable water isotopes, 87Sr/86Sr ratios, major ions, and trace element concentrations.

Created: Sept. 9, 2016, 1:59 a.m.
Authors: Greg Carling · Dylan Dastrup
This dataset contains chemistry and mineralogy data for dust samples collected across northern Utah and Great Basin National Park (Nevada) as part of Dylan Dastrup's thesis project.

Created: June 30, 2018, 12:42 a.m.
Authors: Colin Hale · Greg Carling
Snow chemistry data from the Uinta Mountains in the upper Provo River Watershed. Data set includes sampling location, water isotopes, disolved organic carbon(DOC), flitered major and trace elements, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios.

Created: June 30, 2018, 12:56 a.m.
Authors: Colin Hale · Greg Carling
Water chemistry data for the upper Provo River at three aquatic sites, Soapstone, Woodland and Hailstone. Data set includes, water isotopes, DOC, trace elements, major elements, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios.

Created: June 30, 2018, 1:06 a.m.
Authors: Colin Hale · Greg Carling
Soil chemistry for two locations in the upper Provo River watershed of the Uinta Mountains. Data set includes sequential leaches of soil pits in 10 cm increments for trace elements, major elements and 87Sr/86Sr ratios.

Created: June 30, 2018, 1:16 a.m.
Authors: Colin Hale · Greg Carling
Water chemistry data for springs, soil water, and ephemeral streams in the upper Provo river within the Uinta Mountains. Data set includes water isotopes, trace elements, major elements, 87Sr/86Sr, DOC, and various other water quality measurements.

Created: Nov. 21, 2023, 7:49 p.m.
Authors: Carling, Greg
This dataset contains quality control level 1 (QC1) data for all of the variables measured by the EXO2 at Provo River near Soapstone Basic Aquatic (PR_ST_BA) for the time period 2021-2023. Previous data from this site is listed on HydroShare as part of the iUTAH GAMUT Network. The file contains QC1 data for water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll A, blue green algae, and fDOM. The dataset also includes stage and and water temperature from a standalone pressure transducer. These data have passed QA/QC procedures such as sensor calibration and visual inspection and removal of obvious errors.

Created: Nov. 29, 2023, 9:53 p.m.
Authors: Thompson, Alyssa N. · Bickmore, Barry R. · Evans, Emily J. · Carling, Gregory T.
Quantifying water sources to rivers and streams is critical for managing water resources globally. Endmember mixing analysis (EMMA) is a commonly applied method to water sources to streams that uses tracers for hydrograph separation. Most EMMA applications follow similar methods, but several choices must be made such as selecting tracers, endmembers, and stream locations for mixing. With no standardized EMMA approach, these choices may be made subjectively with little regard for resulting errors. We created an open-source software program called EMMALAB, developed in Matlab App Designer, to simplify and standardize the workflow associated with EMMA. EMMALAB guides the user through a uniform process to visualize and select endmembers via principal components analysis, calculate the fractional contribution of each endmember, and calculate errors in the mixing analysis. The files in this HydroShare resource include: EMMALAB v1.0 installers for Mac and PC, a data template, and example dataset from the Provo River, and the transcript for a YouTube video that provides instructions for using the software. The Provo River dataset is the example data used in the training video.

Created: Jan. 9, 2024, 12:07 a.m.
Authors: Carling, Gregory T. · Thompson, Alyssa N.
This dataset includes water chemistry from samples collected in the upper Provo River watershed, northern Utah, including river samples from Soapstone, Woodland, and Hailstone, soil water, snowpack, ephemeral streams, and groundwater. The samples were collected from 2012-2022. The water chemistry includes field parameters, water isotopes, strontium isotopes, major ions, and trace elements. The field and lab methods are described in Checketts et al. (2020).

Created: July 24, 2024, 9:43 p.m.
Authors: Greg Carling
This dataset contains quality control level 1 (QC1) data for all of the variables measured by the EXO2 at Provo River near Woodland for the time period 2021-2023. The file contains QC1 data for water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll A, blue green algae, and fDOM. These data have passed QA/QC procedures such as sensor calibration and visual inspection and removal of obvious errors.

Created: Aug. 21, 2024, 11:05 p.m.
Authors: Greg Carling · Kendra Caskey
This dataset includes water chemistry from samples collected in the upper Provo River watershed, northern Utah, including river samples from Soapstone, Woodland, and Hailstone, soil water, snowpack, ephemeral streams, and groundwater. The samples were collected during the 2023 water year. The samples include concentrations on unfiltered, filtered (<0.45 micron), and filtered (<0.22 micron) fractions. The water chemistry includes field parameters, water isotopes, major ions, and trace elements. The field and lab methods are described in attached thesis (Caskey, 2024).

Created: Oct. 31, 2024, 3:26 p.m.
Authors: Natalie Shepherd · Bergstrom, Anna · Carling, Greg · Miaja Coombs · Bickmore, Barry · Scott Hotaling
To investigate glacial controls on water chemistry, we instrumented 13 sites in the Dinwoody Creek watershed (Wind River Range, Wyoming) to monitor conductivity and water temperature during the 2018 summer melt season (late June through late September). The primary sites were located along a longitudinal gradient along Dinwoody Creek (labeled Din-1 through Din-7) starting near the toe of Dinwoody Glacier. Additional sites were selected to capture tributary streams draining glacial, non-glacial, and lake-dominated subwatersheds. At each site, we deployed a HOBO U24 low-range conductivity logger protected by PVC housing with 0.5 cm holes to allow water flow. We recovered water temperature data from all 13 loggers and conductivity data from 8 loggers. An air temperature logger was placed near Din-4 to compare with water temperature measurements. All loggers recorded measurements at 15-min or 60-min intervals. To check the accuracy of the conductivity loggers, we measured conductivity with a YSI ProDSS probe at each stream site when loggers were deployed and retrieved, with similar values (within a few µS/cm) across instruments. Conductivity measurements from the HOBO loggers were converted to specific conductance at 25oC using the “low range” data and temperature compensation method for freshwater lakes and streams options in the HOBOware conductivity assistant. Specifics of logger locations, deployment dates, and sample type are provided in on the first tab of the data sheet.

Created: Jan. 6, 2025, 6:05 p.m.
Authors: Miaja Coombs · Gregory T Carling
We investigated seven glacial watersheds in the Southcentral Alaska region, including Little Susitna, Moose Creek, Matanuska, Knik watersheds in the Chugach/Talkeetna Mountains and the Gulkana, Canwell, and Castner watersheds in the Eastern Alaska Range. To identify spatial and temporal trends in water chemistry across the glacial watersheds, we collected 345 water samples during late spring through early fall of 2022 and 2023 (Fig. 1). The sample sites included Knik (K1 through K4), Matanuska (M1 through M5), Moose Creek (MC), Little Susitna (L1 through L4), Gulkana (G1 and G2), Canwell (CW1 and CW2), and Castner (CT1 and CT2). The upstream sample site in each river was located as close as possible below the main glacier with the other samples extending to the end of the watershed. Given difficult access in the Moose Creek watershed, samples were only collected at the catchment mouth. We collected monthly samples at most of the 21 sites from May through September 2022 and 2023. The sample collection also included weekly samples at four USGS streamflow gauge sites (K3, M4, MC, and LS2). To compare water chemistry in the streams with potential water sources, we collected samples from supraglacial, subglacial, and periglacial streams, a proglacial lake, springs, and tributaries during July/August 2023.
Each sample included multiple subsamples for different analyses. For trace element, major cation, and major anion analysis, water was filtered through a 0.45 µm PES syringe filter using an acid-washed syringe. The trace element/major cation samples were acidified to 2.4% v/v trace metal grade HNO3 and stored in acid-washed 30 mL LDPE bottles. The major anion samples were stored in 15 mL HDPE bottles. Samples for water stable isotopes were collected in amber glass vials with Polyseal caps, leaving no headspace to prevent evaporation. All samples were refrigerated until analysis. Alkalinity, assumed to be HCO3- in the circumneutral samples, was measured on unfiltered samples using a Hach 2444301 Alkalinity Test Kit. Field parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and oxidation-reduction potential) were measured on-site using a YSI Quatro multiparameter probe, calibrated regularly. Field blanks (n=28) were collected weekly by filtering Milli-Q water into an acid-washed 30 mL LDPE bottle and a 15 mL HDPE bottle. These field blank samples were then analyzed in the same way as other samples.
Water samples were analyzed separately for trace elements, major cations, major anions, silicon, and water stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H). Trace element/major cations were analyzed using an Agilent 7500ce quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) for concentrations of Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Fe, Gd, Ho, K, La, Li, Lu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Tb, Th, Tl, U, V, Y, Yb, and Zn. The detection limit was determined as the standard deviation of each element measured on all blanks for each run. A calibration curve was developed from Inorganic Ventures single element standards. A National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard reference material (SRM 1643f) was repeatedly analyzed alongside water samples to serve as a continuing calibration verification. Major anions concentrations (F -, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-) were measured using a Dionex ICS-90 ion chromatograph (IC) with an AS40 autosampler (for 2022 samples) and a Thermo Easion IC with an AS-DV autosampler (for 2023 samples). Water stable isotope measurements (δ18O and δ2H) were measured using a Los Gatos Research Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer (model LWIA-24d). Values were reported relative to the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) standard, with a precision of 0.2‰ and 1‰ for δ18O and δ2H, respectively. Silicon was measured using a Thermo iCAP 7400 duo inductively coupled plasma—optical emissions spectrometer (ICP-OES).