Barry Croke

Australian National University | Associate Professor

Subject Areas: Hydrology, Water Resource Management

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This hydrological dataset was collected as part of a project titled "Water harvesting and better cropping systems for smallholders of the East India Plateau" (project LWR/2002/100). The dataset includes a set of climatic variables (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and solar radiation), streamflow at 2 culverts, as well as water levels at a collection of ponds, wells and piezometers across a 250 ha study area in the Purulia district of West Bengal, India. The project was funded by the Government of Australia, the research component through the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and its application through AusAID. In-kind support was also provided by the Government of India through the Indian Council for Agricultural Research. Each of the Institutions engaged in the project also provided in-kind support. We particularly acknowledge the farmers and their families who put their trust in us, shared their thoughts, time and labour, and gave us access to their land and water, without which this project would not have been possible.

The final report for the project can be accessed from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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Hydrological data for Pogro study site, Purulia district, West Bengal, India
Created: Sept. 14, 2017, 6:27 a.m.
Authors: Barry Croke · Adlul Islam · Peter Cornish


This hydrological dataset was collected as part of a project titled "Water harvesting and better cropping systems for smallholders of the East India Plateau" (project LWR/2002/100). The dataset includes a set of climatic variables (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and solar radiation), streamflow at 2 culverts, as well as water levels at a collection of ponds, wells and piezometers across a 250 ha study area in the Purulia district of West Bengal, India. The project was funded by the Government of Australia, the research component through the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and its application through AusAID. In-kind support was also provided by the Government of India through the Indian Council for Agricultural Research. Each of the Institutions engaged in the project also provided in-kind support. We particularly acknowledge the farmers and their families who put their trust in us, shared their thoughts, time and labour, and gave us access to their land and water, without which this project would not have been possible.

The final report for the project can be accessed from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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