Sara Ann Kelly

Utah State University | PhD Candidate

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River bathymetry data were collected between 2013 and 2016 at 10 Minnesota sites along the Minnesota River between Granite Falls and Shakopee. In total, 234.2 km were surveyed, with the most coverage between Mankato and Shakopee. We surveyed the Minnesota River using a cataraft with an outboard motor, an acoustic doppler current profiler, and a GPS to collect depth and positioning information. ADCP and GPS data were post processed using python scripts to take advantage of the four beam depths and correct for orthometric elevations. Channel bed elevations were calculated from the water surface elevation and measured depth. Bed elevation points were interpolated into a tin, then 1m x 1m rasters. For each year we have included rasters for each site, a shapefile of survey points, survey polygons, and raw measurement files from the ADCP software WinRiver II.

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Data to accompany Kelly SA, Takbiri Z, Belmont P, and Foufoula-Georgiou E. 2017. Human amplified changes in precipitation–runoff patterns in large river basins of the Midwestern United States. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.

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Data to accompany Kelly SA, Takbiri Z, Belmont P, and Foufoula-Georgiou E. 2017. Human amplified changes in precipitation–runoff patterns in large river basins of the Midwestern United States. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.

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Minnesota River Bathymetry: 2013 - 2016
Created: Sept. 21, 2017, 10:44 p.m.
Authors: Sara Kelly · Bruce Call · Shayler Levine · Patrick Belmont · Phillip Larson


River bathymetry data were collected between 2013 and 2016 at 10 Minnesota sites along the Minnesota River between Granite Falls and Shakopee. In total, 234.2 km were surveyed, with the most coverage between Mankato and Shakopee. We surveyed the Minnesota River using a cataraft with an outboard motor, an acoustic doppler current profiler, and a GPS to collect depth and positioning information. ADCP and GPS data were post processed using python scripts to take advantage of the four beam depths and correct for orthometric elevations. Channel bed elevations were calculated from the water surface elevation and measured depth. Bed elevation points were interpolated into a tin, then 1m x 1m rasters. For each year we have included rasters for each site, a shapefile of survey points, survey polygons, and raw measurement files from the ADCP software WinRiver II.

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