Roja Najafi

Brigham Young University

 Recent Activity


This study investigates streamflow dynamics across contrasting climatic regions, focusing on arid Arizona, near-average California, and wet Michigan. The analysis integrates streamflow data from both USGS observational records and National Water Model forecasts for select stations within these regions. By examining these datasets, the study aims to provide insights into the hydrological behavior of diverse environments, elucidating the impacts of varying climatic conditions on streamflow patterns. Understanding these dynamics is essential for informed water resource management strategies tailored to the specific needs and vulnerabilities of each region.

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This is a web app connector that demonstrates the watershed of Big Sandy Watershed in Arizona from the WMS layers with a specific zoom level.

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This resource comprises various files pertaining to time series data, particularly focusing on NWM (National Water Model) short-range forecast and USGS observations of streamflow data for three stations, measured in cubic feet per second (cfs). I added some spatial datasets in the form of vector and raster datasets just for one specific research area.
The contents of each file serve distinct purposes:
- "USGS Observation and NWM Outputs" is consisted of merged NWM forecast and USGS observation data;
-"Data types" highlights some information including coordinates and reach ID and gage ID for specific locations in Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin in the USA;
- "Results" showcases images associated with the statistical metrics for aforementioned locations, offering visual insights into data analysis outcomes;
-"Data Collection and Analysis" summarizes merged data from the NWM and USGS, accompanied by statistical metrics for analysis;
- "LSTM Paper" presents an incomplete paper on LSTM models application to the dataset, necessitating revision and completion in the near future;
-"Big Sandy watershed " includes Vector data (shapefiles) for the delineated watershed shapefiles.
-"Big Sandy streamlines" is consist of the stream lines for the specific watershed.
-"Big Sandy River " includes the raster data for the delineated watershed which contains big sandy river.

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This abstract is discussing about the Spatial resource like OGC WMS Specification.

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This resource contains the apps logos used in the CIROH Tethys Portal (

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All 13
Collection 0
Resource 12
App Connector 1
Resource Resource
Created: May 1, 2023, 8:11 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


This is the JupyterLab logo.

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Resource Resource
logo NOAA
Created: May 2, 2023, 7:34 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


OWP NWM Map Viewer shows stream analysis for whole rivers and streams in the united states.

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Resource Resource
Hydroshare Logo
Created: May 2, 2023, 8:22 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


The goal of HydroShare is to advance hydrologic science by enabling the water-resources community to more easily and freely share products resulting from their research and/or data collection.

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Resource Resource
HydroLearn Logo
Created: May 2, 2023, 8:39 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


HydroLearn creates a community of users who are interested in adopting innovative active-learning resources in hydrology and water resources.

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Resource Resource
Jupyter Hub Logo
Created: May 3, 2023, 9:56 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


It gives users access to computational environments and resources without burdening the users with installation and maintenance tasks.

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Resource Resource
OWP NWM Map Viewer Logo
Created: May 3, 2023, 10:08 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


The Office of Water Prediction (OWP) collaboratively researches, develops and delivers state-of-the-science national hydrologic analyses, forecast information, data, decision-support services and guidance to support and inform essential emergency services and water management decisions.

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Resource Resource
HydroLearn Logo
Created: May 3, 2023, 10:29 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


It creates a community of users who are interested in adopting innovative active-learning resources in hydrology and water

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Resource Resource
OWP NWM Map Viewer Logo
Created: May 3, 2023, 10:50 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


The Office of Water Prediction (OWP) collaboratively researches, develops and delivers state-of-the-science national hydrologic analyses, forecast information, data, decision-support services and guidance to support and inform essential emergency services and water management decisions.

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Resource Resource
CIROH Tethys Portal Logos
Created: May 4, 2023, 5:16 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


This resource contains the apps logos used in the CIROH Tethys Portal (

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Resource Resource
In Class Activity for Shapefile
Created: March 12, 2024, 7:28 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja


This abstract is discussing about the Spatial resource like OGC WMS Specification.

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Resource Resource


This resource comprises various files pertaining to time series data, particularly focusing on NWM (National Water Model) short-range forecast and USGS observations of streamflow data for three stations, measured in cubic feet per second (cfs). I added some spatial datasets in the form of vector and raster datasets just for one specific research area.
The contents of each file serve distinct purposes:
- "USGS Observation and NWM Outputs" is consisted of merged NWM forecast and USGS observation data;
-"Data types" highlights some information including coordinates and reach ID and gage ID for specific locations in Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin in the USA;
- "Results" showcases images associated with the statistical metrics for aforementioned locations, offering visual insights into data analysis outcomes;
-"Data Collection and Analysis" summarizes merged data from the NWM and USGS, accompanied by statistical metrics for analysis;
- "LSTM Paper" presents an incomplete paper on LSTM models application to the dataset, necessitating revision and completion in the near future;
-"Big Sandy watershed " includes Vector data (shapefiles) for the delineated watershed shapefiles.
-"Big Sandy streamlines" is consist of the stream lines for the specific watershed.
-"Big Sandy River " includes the raster data for the delineated watershed which contains big sandy river.

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App Connector App Connector
Demonstration WMS Viewer for Big Sandy River
Created: March 25, 2024, 7:13 p.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja · Ames, Dan


This is a web app connector that demonstrates the watershed of Big Sandy Watershed in Arizona from the WMS layers with a specific zoom level.

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Resource Resource
Streamflow USGS Observation and National Water Model Forecast data for Some Stations
Created: April 20, 2024, 12:48 a.m.
Authors: Najafi, Roja · Ames, Daniel P.


This study investigates streamflow dynamics across contrasting climatic regions, focusing on arid Arizona, near-average California, and wet Michigan. The analysis integrates streamflow data from both USGS observational records and National Water Model forecasts for select stations within these regions. By examining these datasets, the study aims to provide insights into the hydrological behavior of diverse environments, elucidating the impacts of varying climatic conditions on streamflow patterns. Understanding these dynamics is essential for informed water resource management strategies tailored to the specific needs and vulnerabilities of each region.

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