Joseph Gutenson

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Subject Areas: Flood Damage, Economic Consequence Assessment, Hydrology, Water Management

 Recent Activity


These are the data used for the analysis of globally derived synthetic rating curves (SRCs) in the Journal of Flood Risk Management study.

The 'Yellowstone_Basin' folder contains the data used to analyze SRCs at 29 stream gages throughout the Yellowstone basin.

The 'Yellowstone_2022_Floods' folder contains the data used to analyze the 2022 Yellowstone floods with SRCs and U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) high water marks.

All digital elevation model (DEM) data used are originally from the Forest and Buildings removed Copernicus DEM (FABDEM) version 1.2 (

All synthetic streamflow data are from the GEOGLOW ECWMF Streamflow Service Version 2 (

USGS streamflow data were accessed using the Python library dataretrieval-python (

Land cover data were accessed using the European Space Agency (ESA) WorldCover applied programming interface (API) (

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In July 2012, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with Naval Facilities Engineering Command-Northwest, began a project to construct and apply a groundwater flow model for the area of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard to better understand the historical and potential future migration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the groundwater. An existing steady-state USGS MODFLOW groundwater-flow model was (1) re-discretized to enhance the spatial resolution by approximately a factor of two; (2) updated with land-use information and recharge boundary conditions that reflect changes to the extent of industrial areas; (3) made consistent with the newly interpreted hydrogeologic framework for a regional groundwater-flow model constructed for the greater Kitsap Peninsula in 2016, and (4) calibrated using new groundwater-level data with the benefit of the parameter estimation program (PEST). The data in this resource constitutes the MODFLOW-NWT model.

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This resource contains the input files for the JBCC regional model, which is a 378 row, 293 column, and 40 layer MODFLOW 2000 model. Included are the formation file and lens topography files used to build both the regional model and the well file.

This regional model of JBCC was updated/recalibrated in 2005 and is documented in Appendix C of the "Final Chemical Spill-23 (CS-23) Wellfield Design Report". This document is available on the AF administrative record as AFCEC document number 18387 at

Also attached to this resource are figures showing the regional model extent (C-1), the model grid configuration (C-21), and the model-predicted groundwater contours (C-22).

There are also 12 site specific models for each of the groundwater plumes that are within the domain of this larger regional model.

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This resource constitutes the groundwater and saltwater intrusion portion of the modeling chain developed under SERDP Project RC-1701.

Several models and modeling systems were used to develop the model. The associated files are also a part of this resource.

1. Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) version 8.2 - A pre- and post-processing tool to develop and evaluate the AdH-WASH module simulation results.

2. Computational Model Builder (CMB) version 2.0 - A pre- and post-processing tool to develop and evaluate the AdH-WASH module simulation results.

3. Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) - WASH123D - AdH was the preferred computational framework for hydraulic modeling in development by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). AdH included density-dependent flow and transport equations. However, for this study the external WASH module formulation was used. This module’s capabilities were being incorporated into AdH and its results were based on the WASH123D model’s capabilities. WASH123D was a physically-based finite element numerical model that could compute coupled density-dependent flow and solute transport in the groundwater system. The 3D subsurface density-dependent flow and solute transport equations were solved using the AdH-WASH model for this study. The Galerkin finite element method was used to solve the flow equation, while the Lagragian-Eulerian finite element method was used to solve the transport equation.

The WASH123D Graphic User Interface (GUI) was utilized to generate input files for flow simulation. For the transport simulations, the FEMWATER GUI was used to generate the transport input file that was subsequently translated to the AdH-WASH format.

A full list of details can be found in the final report for the SERDP project.

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This raster covers the immediate floodplain and bathymetry of the Black Warrior River, several miles upstream of Oliver Lock and Dam. Vertical and horizontal units are US feet. Coordinate system is Alabama West Zone nad 83, ngvd 88. Created using 2010 LiDAR from the US Army Corps of Engineers.

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Resource Resource
Black Warrior River Floodplain and Bathymetry Section 1
Created: April 21, 2016, 2:52 a.m.
Authors: Joseph Gutenson · David Hains


This raster covers the immediate floodplain and bathymetry of the Black Warrior River, several miles upstream of Oliver Lock and Dam. Vertical and horizontal units are US feet. Coordinate system is Alabama West Zone nad 83, ngvd 88. Created using 2010 LiDAR from the US Army Corps of Engineers.

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Resource Resource
Black Warrior River Floodplain and Bathymetry Section 2
Created: April 21, 2016, 4:05 p.m.
Authors: Joseph Gutenson · David Hains


This raster covers the immediate floodplain and bathymetry of the Black Warrior River, several miles upstream of Oliver Lock and Dam. Vertical and horizontal units are US feet. Coordinate system is Alabama West Zone nad 83, ngvd 88. Created using 2010 LiDAR from the US Army Corps of Engineers.

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Resource Resource
Black Warrior River Floodplain and Bathymetry Section 3
Created: April 21, 2016, 9:58 p.m.
Authors: Joseph Gutenson · David Hains


This raster covers the immediate floodplain and bathymetry of the Black Warrior River, several miles upstream of Oliver Lock and Dam. Vertical and horizontal units are US feet. Coordinate system is Alabama West Zone nad 83, ngvd 88. Created using 2010 LiDAR from the US Army Corps of Engineers.

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Resource Resource
Black Warrior River Floodplain and Bathymetry Section 4
Created: April 21, 2016, 10:42 p.m.
Authors: Joseph Gutenson · David Hains


This raster covers the immediate floodplain and bathymetry of the Black Warrior River, several miles upstream of Oliver Lock and Dam. Vertical and horizontal units are US feet. Coordinate system is Alabama West Zone nad 83, ngvd 88. Created using 2010 LiDAR from the US Army Corps of Engineers.

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Resource Resource
Black Warrior River Floodplain and Bathymetry Section 5
Created: April 21, 2016, 11:27 p.m.
Authors: Joseph Gutenson · David Hains


This raster covers the immediate floodplain and bathymetry of the Black Warrior River, several miles upstream of Oliver Lock and Dam. Vertical and horizontal units are US feet. Coordinate system is Alabama West Zone nad 83, ngvd 88. Created using 2010 LiDAR from the US Army Corps of Engineers.

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Resource Resource
Naval Station Norfolk (NSN) Groundwater Model
Created: June 14, 2022, 7:40 p.m.
Authors: Gutenson, Joseph


This resource constitutes the groundwater and saltwater intrusion portion of the modeling chain developed under SERDP Project RC-1701.

Several models and modeling systems were used to develop the model. The associated files are also a part of this resource.

1. Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) version 8.2 - A pre- and post-processing tool to develop and evaluate the AdH-WASH module simulation results.

2. Computational Model Builder (CMB) version 2.0 - A pre- and post-processing tool to develop and evaluate the AdH-WASH module simulation results.

3. Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) - WASH123D - AdH was the preferred computational framework for hydraulic modeling in development by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). AdH included density-dependent flow and transport equations. However, for this study the external WASH module formulation was used. This module’s capabilities were being incorporated into AdH and its results were based on the WASH123D model’s capabilities. WASH123D was a physically-based finite element numerical model that could compute coupled density-dependent flow and solute transport in the groundwater system. The 3D subsurface density-dependent flow and solute transport equations were solved using the AdH-WASH model for this study. The Galerkin finite element method was used to solve the flow equation, while the Lagragian-Eulerian finite element method was used to solve the transport equation.

The WASH123D Graphic User Interface (GUI) was utilized to generate input files for flow simulation. For the transport simulations, the FEMWATER GUI was used to generate the transport input file that was subsequently translated to the AdH-WASH format.

A full list of details can be found in the final report for the SERDP project.

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Resource Resource


This resource contains the input files for the JBCC regional model, which is a 378 row, 293 column, and 40 layer MODFLOW 2000 model. Included are the formation file and lens topography files used to build both the regional model and the well file.

This regional model of JBCC was updated/recalibrated in 2005 and is documented in Appendix C of the "Final Chemical Spill-23 (CS-23) Wellfield Design Report". This document is available on the AF administrative record as AFCEC document number 18387 at

Also attached to this resource are figures showing the regional model extent (C-1), the model grid configuration (C-21), and the model-predicted groundwater contours (C-22).

There are also 12 site specific models for each of the groundwater plumes that are within the domain of this larger regional model.

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Resource Resource
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Groundwater Model
Created: Dec. 9, 2022, 9:10 p.m.
Authors: Gutenson, Joseph


In July 2012, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with Naval Facilities Engineering Command-Northwest, began a project to construct and apply a groundwater flow model for the area of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard to better understand the historical and potential future migration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the groundwater. An existing steady-state USGS MODFLOW groundwater-flow model was (1) re-discretized to enhance the spatial resolution by approximately a factor of two; (2) updated with land-use information and recharge boundary conditions that reflect changes to the extent of industrial areas; (3) made consistent with the newly interpreted hydrogeologic framework for a regional groundwater-flow model constructed for the greater Kitsap Peninsula in 2016, and (4) calibrated using new groundwater-level data with the benefit of the parameter estimation program (PEST). The data in this resource constitutes the MODFLOW-NWT model.

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Resource Resource
Yellowstone Synthetic Rating Curve Analysis
Created: Dec. 31, 2024, 5:07 p.m.
Authors: Gutenson, Joseph


These are the data used for the analysis of globally derived synthetic rating curves (SRCs) in the Journal of Flood Risk Management study.

The 'Yellowstone_Basin' folder contains the data used to analyze SRCs at 29 stream gages throughout the Yellowstone basin.

The 'Yellowstone_2022_Floods' folder contains the data used to analyze the 2022 Yellowstone floods with SRCs and U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) high water marks.

All digital elevation model (DEM) data used are originally from the Forest and Buildings removed Copernicus DEM (FABDEM) version 1.2 (

All synthetic streamflow data are from the GEOGLOW ECWMF Streamflow Service Version 2 (

USGS streamflow data were accessed using the Python library dataretrieval-python (

Land cover data were accessed using the European Space Agency (ESA) WorldCover applied programming interface (API) (

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