Roseanna M. Neupauer
University of Colorado at Boulder
Subject Areas: | Groundwater Hydrology, Groundwater Modeling |
Recent Activity
Periodic thermal loads in aquifers (e.g., injection wells for shallow open loop geothermal energy systems or thermal periodic loads at the land surface) produce periodic fluctuations of temperature fluctuations that propagate downstream from the source. The magnitude of the fluctuation attenuates with distance from the source, such that beyond a certain distance, the effect of the periodic component of the thermal load is negligible. This repository contains jupyter notebooks that can be used to evaluate analytical expressions of magnitude of temperature fluctuation as a function of distance from the source in one-dimensional and two-dimensional domains. The analytical solutions are derived in
Neupauer, R.M. and J. Okkonen, Analytical expressions for spatial attenuation of time-periodic heat sources in an aquifer, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/JHYEFF.HEENG-6336.2024.
The notebooks correspond to the following sections of the article:
Thermal_1D_infinite.ipynb - Attenuation of a Periodic Load in an Infinite One-Dimensional Domain
Thermal_1D_semi-infinite.ipynb - Attenuation of a Periodic Load in a Semi-Infinite One-Dimensional Domain
Thermal_2D - Attenuation of a Periodic Load in a Two-Dimensional Domain
This resource contains input files for SUTRA simulations used to replicate the conceptual model of the Kuparuk aufeis field developed by Terry et al. (2020) and to investigate the sensitivity of the aufeis volume of various parameters. The results of the simulations are presented and discussed in Lainis, A., Neupauer, R.M., Koch, J.C., and Gooseff, M.N. (2024). Seasonal and decadal subsurface thaw dynamics of an aufeis feature investigated through numerical simulations, Hydrological Processes, Reference: Terry, N., Grunewald, E., Briggs, M., Gooseff, M., Huryn, A. D., Kass, M. A., Tape, K. D., Hendrickson, P., & Lane, J. J. W. (2020). Seasonal subsurface thaw dynamics of an aufeis feature inferred from geophysical methods. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125(3):e2019JF005345.
Sensitivity analysis requires the calculation of the sensitivity of a performance measure of model output to a model input. This repository contains two jupyter notebooks demonstrating the calculation of forward (using Green's functions) and adjoint sensitivities. Both examples are presented in
Neupauer, R.M., C. Turnadge, and J. Okkonen, Forward and adjoint modeling of sensitivities to periodic forcings in groundwater flow and transport, Mathematical Geosciences,, 2023
Case 1 is a periodic thermal loading in a one-dimensional, homogeneous aquifer. Case 2 is stream depletion in a two-dimensional homogeneous aquifer.
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Created: May 14, 2023, 3:50 p.m.
Authors: Neupauer, Roseanna · Chris Turnadge · Jarkko Okkonen
Sensitivity analysis requires the calculation of the sensitivity of a performance measure of model output to a model input. This repository contains two jupyter notebooks demonstrating the calculation of forward (using Green's functions) and adjoint sensitivities. Both examples are presented in
Neupauer, R.M., C. Turnadge, and J. Okkonen, Forward and adjoint modeling of sensitivities to periodic forcings in groundwater flow and transport, Mathematical Geosciences,, 2023
Case 1 is a periodic thermal loading in a one-dimensional, homogeneous aquifer. Case 2 is stream depletion in a two-dimensional homogeneous aquifer.

Created: Aug. 1, 2023, 5 p.m.
Authors: Alexi Lainis · Neupauer, Roseanna · Joshua C. Koch · Gooseff, Michael
This resource contains input files for SUTRA simulations used to replicate the conceptual model of the Kuparuk aufeis field developed by Terry et al. (2020) and to investigate the sensitivity of the aufeis volume of various parameters. The results of the simulations are presented and discussed in Lainis, A., Neupauer, R.M., Koch, J.C., and Gooseff, M.N. (2024). Seasonal and decadal subsurface thaw dynamics of an aufeis feature investigated through numerical simulations, Hydrological Processes, Reference: Terry, N., Grunewald, E., Briggs, M., Gooseff, M., Huryn, A. D., Kass, M. A., Tape, K. D., Hendrickson, P., & Lane, J. J. W. (2020). Seasonal subsurface thaw dynamics of an aufeis feature inferred from geophysical methods. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125(3):e2019JF005345.

Created: May 14, 2024, 2:09 p.m.
Authors: Neupauer, Roseanna M. · Jarkko Okkonen
Periodic thermal loads in aquifers (e.g., injection wells for shallow open loop geothermal energy systems or thermal periodic loads at the land surface) produce periodic fluctuations of temperature fluctuations that propagate downstream from the source. The magnitude of the fluctuation attenuates with distance from the source, such that beyond a certain distance, the effect of the periodic component of the thermal load is negligible. This repository contains jupyter notebooks that can be used to evaluate analytical expressions of magnitude of temperature fluctuation as a function of distance from the source in one-dimensional and two-dimensional domains. The analytical solutions are derived in
Neupauer, R.M. and J. Okkonen, Analytical expressions for spatial attenuation of time-periodic heat sources in an aquifer, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/JHYEFF.HEENG-6336.2024.
The notebooks correspond to the following sections of the article:
Thermal_1D_infinite.ipynb - Attenuation of a Periodic Load in an Infinite One-Dimensional Domain
Thermal_1D_semi-infinite.ipynb - Attenuation of a Periodic Load in a Semi-Infinite One-Dimensional Domain
Thermal_2D - Attenuation of a Periodic Load in a Two-Dimensional Domain