Daniele Tonina

University of Idaho | Associate Professor

Subject Areas: Ecohydraulics, surface subsurface interaction

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This project contains the data used in the manuscript of Duffin et al Impact of flow regulation on stream morphology and habitat quality distribution.
The folder "final Output 60 year" report the simulated data at the end of each 60-year hydrograph. The folder Model_Output_files_for_each_year reports the data for each simulation at the end of each simulated year. Simulations were performed with FastMech software.

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This data set contains the data used in the manuscript "Experimentally mapping water surface elevation, velocity and pressure fields of an open channel flow around a stalk" by Moreto, Reeder, Budwig, Tonina and Xiaofeng. The manuscript report the results of an experimental investigation of the time-averaged velocity and three-dimensional pressure fields, quantified in a set of laboratory experiments using stereo particle image velocimetry (SPIV) coupled with a refractive index-matched fluid, for an open channel flow around a barely submerged vertical cylinder as a model for a plant stalk over a plane bed of coarse granular sediment. Full velocity and pressure fields were generated around the cylinder and directly adjacent to the stream bed. The pressure field was calculated using the Rotating Parallel Ray Omni-Directional integration method to integrate the pressure gradient terms obtained by the balance of all the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation terms, which were evaluated with the SPIV measured velocity data at multiple closely-spaced parallel and aligned planes. The detailed mapping of the pressure field allows us to derive the water surface profile that was deformed by the submerged cylinder. This is the first time that such velocity and pressure fields and reconstructed water surface elevations are characterized experimentally for a three-dimensional free surface flow with irregular floor contour in a full-scale flume experiment.

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This data set include the data used in the paper "Nitrous oxide emissions from drying streams and rivers" published in Geophysical Research Letters. Streams and rivers are suffering more extreme and prolonged low flow than those that would naturally occur without human intervention. Stressors on water management include withdrawals for food and energy production, as well as climate change, which is expected to increase the severity, frequency and duration of droughts. The resulting reduction of base flow in many watersheds has relevant worldwide effects on biogeochemical processes in streams and rivers; of particular relevance is the production of nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Droughts and management-induced low flows may increase N2O emissions potentially causing a positive feedback in response to climate change. This data underline the environmental conditions, e.g., land use, nitrogen availability, stream morphology and flow discharge, that may favor positive feedbacks or, on the contrary, conditions that promote a negative feedback. The paper analyzes these possibilities using a novel scaling law Damköhler-based model supported by synoptic field measurements in two watersheds with contrasting land uses and river network. Our results demonstrate that changes in N2O emissions induced by low flows are scale dependent. At the reach-scale, high nitrate availability due to fertilizer runoff fuels an increase of N2O emissions per stream unit area during low flows in agricultural lands. Conversely, stream reaches draining forested lands may see a reduction in areal emissions due to their hydro-morphological characteristics (less sensitive to change in discharge) and water quality (less nitrate availability). At the river network scale, total N2O emissions depend on channel surface area, which decreases with lower flows, causing total N2O emissions to decrease with decreasing discharge in both watersheds, which imparts a form of climate resilience.

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This data set contains the data collected in Bear Valley Creek, Central Idaho for investigating flow hydraulics, climate changes and streambed mobility on habitat quality distribution.
The zip file contains the streambed bathymetry collected with the EAARL-A topobathymetric LiDAR along a 7km long reach of the upper Bear Valley Creek. It also contains the sediment patches with median grain size and sand fraction.
The file “WES16.xlsx” contains the water surface elevation collected in 2011 at a flow of 1.6 meter cubic per second.
The file “BearCreekCreek_EM_VIC_Air_Temperature.xlsx” contains the air temperature predicted with VIC model and ensemble mean climatic scenario from 1920 to 2090.
The file “BearValleyCreek_A1B-A1-EM-FutureScenarios.xlsx” contains the discharges predicted with VIC model and ensemble mean climatic scenario from 2011 to 2090.
The file “BearValleyCreek_EMscenario_Ecohydrailcs.xlsx” contains the weighted usable area and hydraulic habitat indexes predicted based on EM climate change scenario from 2011 to 2090.
The file “VIC_Discharge_Validation.xlsx” contains the comparison between observed and VIC predicted discharges.
The file "Patch_Characteristics.xlsx" contains the spawning habitat patch analysis to understand level of habitat fragmentation.
This data are used in the publications:
Tonina et al, (under review), Climate Change Shrinks and Fragments Salmon Habitats in a Snow-Dependent Region, GRL.
Reeder et al, (under review), Some (Fish Might) Like It Hot: Seasonal and Intra-Annual Variability of Habitat Quality and Fish Growth from Past to Future Climates, STOTEM.

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Particle image velocimetry, PIV, is a non-invasive technique for measuring velocity fields. It is especially powerful when coupled with refractive index-matching (RIM) to map velocity fields around solid objects. The solid objects are typically removed from the flow field with a masking approach before performing the PIV analysis and mapping the velocity field. However, imasking required a-priory information on solid location and their geometric shape which is difficult in to select them when PIV is done with RIM. Here we report and store the data used in the contribution "Particle Seeded Grains to Identify Highly Irregular Solid Boundaries and Simplify PIV measurements" by Basham, Budwig and Tonina, 2019, in Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00195.

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Monitoring streambed elevation changes is important for many engineering and ecological applications. This contribution contains the data and the numerical code written in R used in the publication of DeWeese et al, (2017), who tested a new methodology based on stream water temperature as a signal to monitor local streambed elevation changes at the daily time scale. This contribution contains: (1) laboratory experiment time series of water temperature in the surface and within the sediment, (2) times series of sediment surface elevation changes in the laboratory, (3) field experiment time series of sediment elevation and (4) field experiment time series of surface and pore waters temperatures and (5) R code of the model to analyze the temperature data to extract streambed elevation changes and interstitial flows.

Reference:Timothy DeWeese, Daniele Tonina, Charles Luce, Monitoring streambed scour/deposition under non-ideal temperature signal and flood conditions, Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2017WR020632

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Data for Particle Seeded Grains to Identify Highly Irregular Solid Boundaries and Simplify PIV measurements
Created: March 18, 2019, 10:30 p.m.
Authors: Basham, William · Budwig, Ralph · Daniele Tonina


Particle image velocimetry, PIV, is a non-invasive technique for measuring velocity fields. It is especially powerful when coupled with refractive index-matching (RIM) to map velocity fields around solid objects. The solid objects are typically removed from the flow field with a masking approach before performing the PIV analysis and mapping the velocity field. However, imasking required a-priory information on solid location and their geometric shape which is difficult in to select them when PIV is done with RIM. Here we report and store the data used in the contribution "Particle Seeded Grains to Identify Highly Irregular Solid Boundaries and Simplify PIV measurements" by Basham, Budwig and Tonina, 2019, in Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00195.

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Bear Valley Creek
Created: Feb. 26, 2021, 5:59 p.m.
Authors: Tonina, Daniele · James A McKean · Daniel A Isaak · Reeder, W. Jeffery · Chunling Tang · Rohan M. Benjankar · Qiuwen Chen


This data set contains the data collected in Bear Valley Creek, Central Idaho for investigating flow hydraulics, climate changes and streambed mobility on habitat quality distribution.
The zip file contains the streambed bathymetry collected with the EAARL-A topobathymetric LiDAR along a 7km long reach of the upper Bear Valley Creek. It also contains the sediment patches with median grain size and sand fraction.
The file “WES16.xlsx” contains the water surface elevation collected in 2011 at a flow of 1.6 meter cubic per second.
The file “BearCreekCreek_EM_VIC_Air_Temperature.xlsx” contains the air temperature predicted with VIC model and ensemble mean climatic scenario from 1920 to 2090.
The file “BearValleyCreek_A1B-A1-EM-FutureScenarios.xlsx” contains the discharges predicted with VIC model and ensemble mean climatic scenario from 2011 to 2090.
The file “BearValleyCreek_EMscenario_Ecohydrailcs.xlsx” contains the weighted usable area and hydraulic habitat indexes predicted based on EM climate change scenario from 2011 to 2090.
The file “VIC_Discharge_Validation.xlsx” contains the comparison between observed and VIC predicted discharges.
The file "Patch_Characteristics.xlsx" contains the spawning habitat patch analysis to understand level of habitat fragmentation.
This data are used in the publications:
Tonina et al, (under review), Climate Change Shrinks and Fragments Salmon Habitats in a Snow-Dependent Region, GRL.
Reeder et al, (under review), Some (Fish Might) Like It Hot: Seasonal and Intra-Annual Variability of Habitat Quality and Fish Growth from Past to Future Climates, STOTEM.

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Data: riverine N2O emissions from drying streams and rivers
Created: July 29, 2021, 5:46 p.m.
Authors: Tonina, Daniele · Alessandra Marzadri · Alberto, Bellin · Martha Deed · Bernal, Susana · Jennifer Tank


This data set include the data used in the paper "Nitrous oxide emissions from drying streams and rivers" published in Geophysical Research Letters. Streams and rivers are suffering more extreme and prolonged low flow than those that would naturally occur without human intervention. Stressors on water management include withdrawals for food and energy production, as well as climate change, which is expected to increase the severity, frequency and duration of droughts. The resulting reduction of base flow in many watersheds has relevant worldwide effects on biogeochemical processes in streams and rivers; of particular relevance is the production of nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Droughts and management-induced low flows may increase N2O emissions potentially causing a positive feedback in response to climate change. This data underline the environmental conditions, e.g., land use, nitrogen availability, stream morphology and flow discharge, that may favor positive feedbacks or, on the contrary, conditions that promote a negative feedback. The paper analyzes these possibilities using a novel scaling law Damköhler-based model supported by synoptic field measurements in two watersheds with contrasting land uses and river network. Our results demonstrate that changes in N2O emissions induced by low flows are scale dependent. At the reach-scale, high nitrate availability due to fertilizer runoff fuels an increase of N2O emissions per stream unit area during low flows in agricultural lands. Conversely, stream reaches draining forested lands may see a reduction in areal emissions due to their hydro-morphological characteristics (less sensitive to change in discharge) and water quality (less nitrate availability). At the river network scale, total N2O emissions depend on channel surface area, which decreases with lower flows, causing total N2O emissions to decrease with decreasing discharge in both watersheds, which imparts a form of climate resilience.

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This data set contains the data used in the manuscript "Experimentally mapping water surface elevation, velocity and pressure fields of an open channel flow around a stalk" by Moreto, Reeder, Budwig, Tonina and Xiaofeng. The manuscript report the results of an experimental investigation of the time-averaged velocity and three-dimensional pressure fields, quantified in a set of laboratory experiments using stereo particle image velocimetry (SPIV) coupled with a refractive index-matched fluid, for an open channel flow around a barely submerged vertical cylinder as a model for a plant stalk over a plane bed of coarse granular sediment. Full velocity and pressure fields were generated around the cylinder and directly adjacent to the stream bed. The pressure field was calculated using the Rotating Parallel Ray Omni-Directional integration method to integrate the pressure gradient terms obtained by the balance of all the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation terms, which were evaluated with the SPIV measured velocity data at multiple closely-spaced parallel and aligned planes. The detailed mapping of the pressure field allows us to derive the water surface profile that was deformed by the submerged cylinder. This is the first time that such velocity and pressure fields and reconstructed water surface elevations are characterized experimentally for a three-dimensional free surface flow with irregular floor contour in a full-scale flume experiment.

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Lemhi River effect of flow regulation on stream morphology
Created: Dec. 2, 2022, 9:13 p.m.
Authors: Tonina, Daniele · Duffin, Jenna · Benjankar, Rohan M · Yager, Elowyn · Buffington, John M. · Borden, Carter


This project contains the data used in the manuscript of Duffin et al Impact of flow regulation on stream morphology and habitat quality distribution.
The folder "final Output 60 year" report the simulated data at the end of each 60-year hydrograph. The folder Model_Output_files_for_each_year reports the data for each simulation at the end of each simulated year. Simulations were performed with FastMech software.

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