Althea Moore

University of Georgia

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The attached datasets are from the publication: Drought decreases water storage capacity of two arboreal epiphytes with differing ecohydrological traits. Canopy epiphytes, plants that grow on trees, can have a significant influence on canopy water storage, interception, and precipitation fluxes. However, the drought response of the plants at a foliar level may influence their ability to store and capture rainfall. We experimentally tested the effects of leaf desiccation on water storage (Smax) and relevant leaf properties of two canopy epiphytes common in coastal maritime forests in Georgia, U.S.A. Full methodological information can be found in the publication listed under "Related Resources."

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Data from the publication: Drought decreases water storage capacity of two arboreal epiphytes with differing ecohydrological traits
Created: June 20, 2023, 3 p.m.
Authors: Moore, Althea F. P. · Jalayna Antoine · Laura I. Bedoya · Ann Medina · Clifton S. Buck · John T. Van Stan · Sybil G. Gotsch


The attached datasets are from the publication: Drought decreases water storage capacity of two arboreal epiphytes with differing ecohydrological traits. Canopy epiphytes, plants that grow on trees, can have a significant influence on canopy water storage, interception, and precipitation fluxes. However, the drought response of the plants at a foliar level may influence their ability to store and capture rainfall. We experimentally tested the effects of leaf desiccation on water storage (Smax) and relevant leaf properties of two canopy epiphytes common in coastal maritime forests in Georgia, U.S.A. Full methodological information can be found in the publication listed under "Related Resources."

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