Simone Gelsinari
The University of Western Australia
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This folder contains the REC - Stream 2 Research Agreement Item N.2
Files are organized in folders named according to the installation site.
There are 5 folders: Dandaragan, Gingin, Gnangara, WhitemanPark#1 and Whiteman Park#2. These sites are also named DD, GG, GN, WP1 and WP2.
Each folder contains a file named: xxx_Database, where xxx is the specific location name.
These files are divided into tabs:
- The first 2 tabs (or 3 in the case of Gingin) report the neutron moisture probe raw observations and the calibrated soil water content.
- The tab GW reports the manually collected DTWT
- SEN and WP tabs provide information about the Sentek and soil water potential sensors installation
- Log tab reports log information at the time of drilling
- The PSD tab shows the laboratory analysis conducted on the soil's particle size distribution.
- The SWC and BD tab reports the soil water content and bulk density values obtained in the lab on the soil cores.
Each folder (beside GG) contains an "xxx_Atmospheric_FirstY.xls" file reporting all the variables observed by the Meter Atmos weather station.
At Gingin, these data are obtained by the TERN-released netCDF file. WP2 uses the atmospheric data collected at WP1.
The folder also contains a separate file named "xxx_WaterPot_FirstY.xls" for Soil water potential and a "xxx_DTWT_FirstY.xls" for the depth to water table (DTWT) observations.
At Gingin DTWT observations are obtained from the pressure transducer managed by A/Prof. Richard Silberstein. At DD and WP1, DTWT data are reported
in the xxx_Atmospheric_FirstY.xls file.
The suffix FirstY has been added to differentiate the data collected in the first part of the REC project from its subsequent project.
Each folder contains an "xxx_Sentek.csv" file that reports the data collected from the Sentek soil water content sensors.
For each sensor, we report the uncalibrated soil water content (SWC_z), the scaling factor (SF_z), the calibrated value (SWC_Gyy_z) [calibration has been performed at UWA labs],
and the volumetric ion content (VIC_z). Here z is the sensor number, and yy is the calibration group. In certain cases, because of the uncertainty of the soil structure,
two calibration curves are applied to the same sensor (See dedicated report).
Dr. Simone Gelsinari
Dataset from the review of recharge to the groundwater studies on the Swan Coastal Plain
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Created: July 17, 2023, 5:50 a.m.
Authors: Gelsinari, Simone · Thompson, Sally
Dataset from the review of recharge to the groundwater studies on the Swan Coastal Plain

Created: Sept. 12, 2023, 10:36 a.m.
Authors: Gelsinari, Simone · Joel Hall · Richard Silberstein · Thompson, Sally
This folder contains the REC - Stream 2 Research Agreement Item N.2
Files are organized in folders named according to the installation site.
There are 5 folders: Dandaragan, Gingin, Gnangara, WhitemanPark#1 and Whiteman Park#2. These sites are also named DD, GG, GN, WP1 and WP2.
Each folder contains a file named: xxx_Database, where xxx is the specific location name.
These files are divided into tabs:
- The first 2 tabs (or 3 in the case of Gingin) report the neutron moisture probe raw observations and the calibrated soil water content.
- The tab GW reports the manually collected DTWT
- SEN and WP tabs provide information about the Sentek and soil water potential sensors installation
- Log tab reports log information at the time of drilling
- The PSD tab shows the laboratory analysis conducted on the soil's particle size distribution.
- The SWC and BD tab reports the soil water content and bulk density values obtained in the lab on the soil cores.
Each folder (beside GG) contains an "xxx_Atmospheric_FirstY.xls" file reporting all the variables observed by the Meter Atmos weather station.
At Gingin, these data are obtained by the TERN-released netCDF file. WP2 uses the atmospheric data collected at WP1.
The folder also contains a separate file named "xxx_WaterPot_FirstY.xls" for Soil water potential and a "xxx_DTWT_FirstY.xls" for the depth to water table (DTWT) observations.
At Gingin DTWT observations are obtained from the pressure transducer managed by A/Prof. Richard Silberstein. At DD and WP1, DTWT data are reported
in the xxx_Atmospheric_FirstY.xls file.
The suffix FirstY has been added to differentiate the data collected in the first part of the REC project from its subsequent project.
Each folder contains an "xxx_Sentek.csv" file that reports the data collected from the Sentek soil water content sensors.
For each sensor, we report the uncalibrated soil water content (SWC_z), the scaling factor (SF_z), the calibrated value (SWC_Gyy_z) [calibration has been performed at UWA labs],
and the volumetric ion content (VIC_z). Here z is the sensor number, and yy is the calibration group. In certain cases, because of the uncertainty of the soil structure,
two calibration curves are applied to the same sensor (See dedicated report).
Dr. Simone Gelsinari