Martin Seul
Technical Director
Subject Areas: | Software Engineering, Hydrology, GIS |
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This is just a replication of model. It has not been finalized. Please don't use this data except for testing purposes.
Discharge cubic feet per second data collected from 2015-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 to 2020-10-01T00:00:00+00:00 created on Wed Aug 07 2024 15:24:44 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) from the following site: Clear Fork Mohican River at Bellville OH. Data created by CUAHSI HydroClient:
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This is a web app resource for viewing resources containing time series.

A digital elevation model encompassing the Logan River watershed in northern Utah.
[Modified in JupyterHub on 2017-12-14 17:35:17.590180]
This a group of TauDEM processing results that were derived using the Logan River DEM.

This dataset was acquired from the USGS dataset accessed through the USDA Geospatial Data Gateway. It is a polygon shapefile representing the generalized geology of the US state of Texas.

The CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (HIS) is an internet-based system for sharing hydrologic data. It is comprised of databases and servers, connected through web services, to client applications, allowing for the publication, discovery and access of data.

Created: July 26, 2020, 11:02 p.m.
Authors: Lubinski, David · Leon, Miguel C · Bode, Collin · Seul, Martin · Derry, Louis
From 2007 to 2019, the Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs) stored their data at their respective universities. A central catalog of metadata kept track of the datasets at With the transition from CZO to CZ clusters, it was agreed to centralize all datasets to HydroShare. This resource documents that transition. The file gives an overview and description of what was done, as does the poster by Miguel Leon. Specifics on how metadata was stored on can be found in "CZO Metadata Definitions.pdf". How that metadata translated into HydroShare is defined in "Metadata Mapping from CZO to HydroShare.xlsx" and the controlled vocabulary conversions are found in “Map CZO Variables to ODM2 VariableNames.xlsx".

This resource contains the test data for the GeoServer OGC Web Services tutorials for various GIS applications including ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap, ArcGIS Story Maps, and QGIS. The contents of the data include a polygon shapefile, a polyline shapefile, a point shapefile, and a raster dataset; all of which pertain to the state of Utah, USA. The polygon shapefile is of every county in the state of Utah. The polyline is of every trail in the state of Utah. The point shapefile is the current list of GNIS place names in the state of Utah. The raster dataset covers a region in the center of the state of Utah. All datasets are projected to NAD 1983 Zone 12N.

This resource contains the test data for the GeoServer OGC Web Services IpyLeaflet tutorial. The contents of the data include a polygon shapefile, a polyline shapefile, a point shapefile, and a raster dataset; all of which pertain to the state of Utah, USA. The polygon shapefile is of Utah county in the state of Utah. The polyline is of every major stream within Utah County. The point shapefile is the current list of summit GNIS place names within Utah County. The raster dataset covers a region in the center of the state of Utah. All datasets are projected to NAD 1983 Zone 12N.

This resources contains PDF files and Python notebook files that demonstrate how to create geospatial resources in HydroShare and how to use these resources through web services provided by the built-in HydroShare GeoServer instance. Geospatial resources can be consumed directly into ArcMap, ArcGIS, Story Maps, Quantum GIS (QGIS), Leaflet, and many other mapping environments. This provides HydroShare users with the ability to store data and retrieve it via services without needing to set up new data services. All tutorials cover how to add WMS and WFS connections. WCS connections are available for QGIS and are covered in the QGIS tutorial. The tutorials and examples provided here are intended to get the novice user up-to-speed with WMS and GeoServer, though we encourage users to read further on these topic using internet searches and other resources. Also included in this resource is a tutorial designed to that walk users through the process of creating a GeoServer connected resource.
The current list of available tutorials:
- Creating a Resource
- ArcGIS Pro
- ArcMap
- ArcGIS Story Maps
- IpyLeaflet
- Folium

Created: Feb. 23, 2021, 6:34 p.m.
Authors: Leon, Miguel C · Heartsill-Scalley, Tamara · Iván Santiago · McDowell, William H
Hydrological mapping in the Luquillo Experimental Forest: Opportunities and challenges to improve watershed ecological knowledge
The streams and rivers of the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, have been the subject of extensive watershed and aquatic and research since the 1980’s. This research includes understanding stream export of nutrients, physicochemical constituents, coarse particulate organic matter export dynamics, and aquatic fauna populations. However, many of these studied streams and watersheds do not show up in standard hydrological maps. We document the recent collaborative work delineating long-term research watersheds and identifying gaps in hydrological network information. We describe the trade-offs and caveats of achieving appropriate stream densification to represent sites of on-going research. The methods used to delimit and densify stream networks include incorporation of updated new vertical datum for Puerto Rico, LIDAR derived elevation, and a combination of visual-manual and automated digitalization processes. The outcomes of this collaborative effort have resulted in improved watershed delineation, densification of hydrologic networks to reflect the scale of on-going studies, and the identification of constraining factors such as unmapped roadways, culverts, and other features of the built environment that interrupt water flow and obstruct runoff identification. This work contributes to enhance knowledge for watershed management, including riparian areas, road and channel intersections, and ridge to reef initiatives with broad application to other watersheds.
This dataset contains watershed delineations, and stream networks for El Verde Research Area and the Bisley Experimental Watershed (BEW)
This data can also be viewed via this story map:

Virginia State 30 meter resolution DEM

This is the web app connector for the HydroShare THREDDS (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) server for content aggregations within Composite resources in HydroShare. THREDDS data services are available only for the "Public" composite resources. This THREDDS data server supports access to netCDF data through OPeNDAP using the DAP2 protocol that supports subsetting directly from a number of clients using the DAP2 data access protocol as well as direct file download. This resource connects to a CUAHSI deployment of the UCAR Unidata THREDDS server

Created: May 19, 2021, 4:42 p.m.
Authors: Choi, Young-Don
This HydroShare resource was created to share large spatial sample datasets in North Carolina on GeoServer ( and THREDDS (
Users can check the uploaded LSS datasets on HydroShare-GeoServer and THREDDS using this HS resource id.
Then, through the RHESSys workflows, users can subset LSS datasets using OWSLib and xarray.

The Office of Water Prediction (OWP) National Water Center provides water information products from version 2.1 of the National Water Model (NWM). Information about NWM products available through the OWP website can be found in this Product Description Document. Advisory: NWM products do not yet incorporate anthropogenic influence and should be used with some caution. The NWM is currently undergoing extensive validation and verification to identify where scientific updates to the model can make the most improvement. The next version of the NWM will be released in the late spring 2020 time frame. For more information about the NWM, go here.
Please note, the mapping interface and NWM products and web services are experimental. In addition to products from the NWM (streamflow, soil saturation), two products from the National Snow Analysis (snow depth, snow water equivalent) are available, as well as several useful reference maps from various sources. The OWP is seeking to improve the availability and quality of its products and services based on user feedback. Comments regarding any of the experimental NWM products and web services should be submitted through the NWM online survey form.
The OWP also provides a range of NWS official water information through the following web sites.
Official river observations and forecast information:
Snow Information:
Precipitation Frequency Estimates:
Comments? Questions? Please Contact

This is a layer of water service boundaries for 44,919 community water systems that deliver tap water to 306.88 million people in the US. This amounts to 97.22% of the population reportedly served by active community water systems and 90.85% of active community water systems. The layer is based on multiple data sources and a methodology developed by SimpleLab and collaborators called a Tiered, Explicit, Match, and Model approach–or TEMM, for short. The name of the approach reflects exactly how the nationwide data layer was developed. The TEMM is composed of three hierarchical tiers, arranged by data and model fidelity. First, we use explicit water service boundaries provided by states. These are spatial polygon data, typically provided at the state-level. We call systems with explicit boundaries Tier 1. In the absence of explicit water service boundary data, we use a matching algorithm to match water systems to the boundary of a town or city (Census Place TIGER polygons). When a water system and TIGER place match one-to-one, we label this Tier 2a. When multiple water systems match to the same TIGER place, we label this Tier 2b. Tier 2b reflects overlapping boundaries for multiple systems. Finally, in the absence of an explicit water service boundary (Tier 1) or a TIGER place polygon match (Tier 2a or Tier 2b), a statistical model trained on explicit water service boundary data (Tier 1) is used to estimate a reasonable radius at provided water system centroids, and model a spherical water system boundary (Tier 3).
Several limitations to this data exist–and the layer should be used with these in mind. First, the case of assigning a Census Place TIGER polygon to multiple systems results in an inaccurate assignment of the same exact area to multiple systems; we hope to resolve Tier 2b systems into Tier 2a or Tier 3 in a future iteration. Second, matching algorithms to assign Census Place boundaries require additional validation and iteration. Third, Tier 3 boundaries have modeled radii stemming from a lat/long centroid of a water system facility; but the underlying lat/long centroids for water system facilities are of variable quality. It is critical to evaluate the "geometry quality" column (included from the EPA ECHO data source) when looking at Tier 3 boundaries; fidelity is very low when geometry quality is a county or state centroid– but we did not exclude the data from the layer. Fourth, missing water systems are typically those without a centroid, in a U.S. territory, or missing population and connection data. Finally, Tier 1 systems are assumed to be high fidelity, but rely on the accuracy of state data collection and maintenance.
All data, methods, documentation, and contributions are open-source and available here:

The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a comprehensive aggregated collection of hydrologic unit data consistent with the national criteria for delineation and resolution. It defines the areal extent of surface water drainage to a point except in coastal or lake front areas where there could be multiple outlets as stated by the "Federal Standards and Procedures for the National Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD)" “Standard” ( Watershed boundaries are determined solely upon science-based hydrologic principles, not favoring any administrative boundaries or special projects, nor particular program or agency. This dataset represents the hydrologic unit boundaries to the 12-digit (6th level) for the entire United States. Some areas may also include additional subdivisions representing the 14- and 16-digit hydrologic unit (HU). At a minimum, the HUs are delineated at 1:24,000-scale in the conterminous United States, 1:25,000-scale in Hawaii, Pacific basin and the Caribbean, and 1:63,360-scale in Alaska, meeting the National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS). Higher resolution boundaries are being developed where partners and data exist and will be incorporated back into the WBD. WBD data are delivered as a dataset of polygons and corresponding lines that define the boundary of the polygon. WBD polygon attributes include hydrologic unit codes (HUC), size (in the form of acres and square kilometers), name, downstream hydrologic unit code, type of watershed, non-contributing areas, and flow modifications. The HUC describes where the unit is in the country and the level of the unit. WBD line attributes contain the highest level of hydrologic unit for each boundary, line source information and flow modifications.

HIS Modernization
towards a real-time management system for sensor observatories, Poster for the CUAHSI Biennial Meeting status June 2023.

Created: Oct. 18, 2023, 3:48 p.m.
Authors: Seul, Martin
Temperature datalogger data collected from 2014-07-27T09:56:00+00:00 to 2019-07-11T15:56:00+00:00 created on Wed Oct 18 2023 11:47:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) from the following site: sitethirtyeight_buoy_stage_minus_11m. Data created by CUAHSI HydroClient:

Created: Aug. 7, 2024, 7:25 p.m.
Authors: Seul, Martin
Discharge cubic feet per second data collected from 2015-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 to 2020-10-01T00:00:00+00:00 created on Wed Aug 07 2024 15:24:44 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) from the following site: Clear Fork Mohican River at Bellville OH. Data created by CUAHSI HydroClient:


Created: Feb. 4, 2025, 5:40 p.m.
Authors: Wagle, Pitamber
This is just a replication of model. It has not been finalized. Please don't use this data except for testing purposes.