Sherif Aly

University of Pittsburgh

Subject Areas: Landslides

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This resource is part of the CyberWater Project and serves as a comprehensive database for three key data retrieval agents:

GSDEAgent: Provides global soil property data from the Global Soil Dataset for Earth System Models (Shangguan et al., 2014). This dataset includes information on various soil parameters: (Available water storage capacity, Soil drainage, Impermeable layer depth, Non-soil, Obstacle to roots, Soil water regime, Topsoil texture class, Total carbon, Organic carbon, Total N, Total S, CaCO3, Gypsum, pH(H2O), pH(KCl), pH(CaCl2), pH(CaCl2), Electrical conductivity, Exchangeable calcium, Exchangeable magnesium, Exchangeable sodium, Exchangeable potassium, Exchangeable aluminum, Exchangeable acidity, Cation exchange capacity, Base saturation, Sand content, Silt content, Clay content, Gravel content, Bulk density, Volumetric water content at -10 kPa, Volumetric water content at -33 kPa, Volumetric water content at -1500 kPa, The amount of phosphorous using the Bray1 method, The amount of phosphorous by Olsen method, Phosphorous retention by New Zealand method, The amount of water soluble phosphorous, The amount of phosphorous by Mehlich method, Exchangeable sodium percentage, Total phosphorus, Total potassium).

SHTPAgent: Provides global soil hydraulic and thermal parameters (Dai et al., 2013). These dataset include 7 parameters (Saturated water content, Saturated capillary potential, Pore size distribution index, Saturate hydraulic conductivity, Heat capacity of soil solids, Thermal conductivity of saturated soil, Thermal conductivity for dry soil).

GBRAgent: Retrieves global bedrock depth data from the Global Soil Dataset, offering essential information on depth to bedrock for Earth system modeling (Shangguan et al., 2017).

Those agents support online data subsetting and offer multiple output formats to enhance data usability for Earth system modeling applications. For additional details and guidance, please refer to the CyberWater Documentation (


Shangguan, W., Dai, Y., Duan, Q., Liu, B., & Yuan, H. (2014). A global soil data set for earth system modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 6(1), 249-263.

Dai, Y., Shangguan, W., Duan, Q., Liu, B., Fu, S., & Niu, G. (2013). Development of a China dataset of soil hydraulic parameters using pedotransfer functions for land surface modeling. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14(3), 869-887.

Shangguan, W., Hengl, T., Mendes de Jesus, J., Yuan, H., & Dai, Y. (2017). Mapping the global depth to bedrock for land surface modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9(1), 65-88.

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Global Soil Properties and Bedrock Depth
Created: Jan. 12, 2025, 10:28 p.m.
Authors: Aly, Sherif


This resource is part of the CyberWater Project and serves as a comprehensive database for three key data retrieval agents:

GSDEAgent: Provides global soil property data from the Global Soil Dataset for Earth System Models (Shangguan et al., 2014). This dataset includes information on various soil parameters: (Available water storage capacity, Soil drainage, Impermeable layer depth, Non-soil, Obstacle to roots, Soil water regime, Topsoil texture class, Total carbon, Organic carbon, Total N, Total S, CaCO3, Gypsum, pH(H2O), pH(KCl), pH(CaCl2), pH(CaCl2), Electrical conductivity, Exchangeable calcium, Exchangeable magnesium, Exchangeable sodium, Exchangeable potassium, Exchangeable aluminum, Exchangeable acidity, Cation exchange capacity, Base saturation, Sand content, Silt content, Clay content, Gravel content, Bulk density, Volumetric water content at -10 kPa, Volumetric water content at -33 kPa, Volumetric water content at -1500 kPa, The amount of phosphorous using the Bray1 method, The amount of phosphorous by Olsen method, Phosphorous retention by New Zealand method, The amount of water soluble phosphorous, The amount of phosphorous by Mehlich method, Exchangeable sodium percentage, Total phosphorus, Total potassium).

SHTPAgent: Provides global soil hydraulic and thermal parameters (Dai et al., 2013). These dataset include 7 parameters (Saturated water content, Saturated capillary potential, Pore size distribution index, Saturate hydraulic conductivity, Heat capacity of soil solids, Thermal conductivity of saturated soil, Thermal conductivity for dry soil).

GBRAgent: Retrieves global bedrock depth data from the Global Soil Dataset, offering essential information on depth to bedrock for Earth system modeling (Shangguan et al., 2017).

Those agents support online data subsetting and offer multiple output formats to enhance data usability for Earth system modeling applications. For additional details and guidance, please refer to the CyberWater Documentation (


Shangguan, W., Dai, Y., Duan, Q., Liu, B., & Yuan, H. (2014). A global soil data set for earth system modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 6(1), 249-263.

Dai, Y., Shangguan, W., Duan, Q., Liu, B., Fu, S., & Niu, G. (2013). Development of a China dataset of soil hydraulic parameters using pedotransfer functions for land surface modeling. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14(3), 869-887.

Shangguan, W., Hengl, T., Mendes de Jesus, J., Yuan, H., & Dai, Y. (2017). Mapping the global depth to bedrock for land surface modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9(1), 65-88.

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