Graciela Ramirez-Toro
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico
Intitutional Director CECIA
Subject Areas: | Env. Science |
Recent Activity
Panel Presentation on February 17, 2023; San Juan Puerto Rico
14th CECIA-IAUPR Biennial Symposium on Potable Water Issues in Puerto Rico: Science, Technology and Regulation
Dr. Christina Norton, University of Washington
Christopher Lenhardt, RENCI, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dr. Elaine Faustman, University of Washington
Jill Falman, University of Washington
[to complete by team]
Samples were collected from PRASA, Non-PRASA, and improvised systems all over the Island
[to complete by team]
After every natural disaster, it is difficult to answer elementary questions on how to provide high quality water supplies and health services. There is no existing digital infrastructure to scientifically determine the hurricane impact on drinking water quality, the severity of a hazard to human health, or baseline data on the sophistication, connectivity, and operations of the distributed physical and related digital infrastructure systems. We test data publication mechanisms after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico to understand risk to human health by (1) assessing the spatial and temporal presence of waterborne pathogens in multiple types of systems, (2) demonstrate usability of CUAHSI HydroShare as a clearinghouse for data related to Hurricane Maria, Harvey and Irma and (3) and develop a prototype cyberinfrastructure to assess environmental and public health impacts. Our resulting archive and research software engineering practices provide a prototype cyberinfrastructure system for researchers to study natural disasters.
How can data sharing and archiving capabilities be enhanced to ensure the greatest impact? Recovery efforts from natural disasters can be more efficient with data-driven information on current needs and future risks. We advance open-source software infrastructure to support scientific investigation and data-driven decision making with a data sharing system using a water quality assessment developed to investigate post-Hurricane Maria drinking water contamination in Puerto Rico. One limitation to effective disaster response is easy and rapid access to diverse information about available resources and maps of community resource needs and risks. Research products are made Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible (FAIR) using a collaborative, online sharing platform – HydroShare. Curating a central repository of assembled research data has the potential to greatly facilitate coordinated disaster responses of all types, with opportunities to improve planning, preparedness, and monitoring of the recovery process.
This workshop focuses on the presentation of preliminary data for the purpose of collaborative design that ensures the research products are delivered based on the preferences of future users. Participants answered the questions 1 ) What information about water do people need after a disaster? 2) How is information about water most effectively shared? 3) What are the difficulties faced when trying to communicate this type of information? Results were grouped to understand the information needs of academic water data researchers, federal drinking water regulators, local utilities (PRASA and community system operators, health researchers, and household data owners.
The National Science Foundation funded Collaborative RAPID: Building Infrastructure for Preventing Drinking Water Disasters project policies support data sharing mechanisms informed by federal and project guidelines. The workshop was hosted by Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Center for Environmental Education, Conservation and Research (CECIA-IAUPR) and the National Science Foundation Collaborative RAPID Project Team (NSF 1810647 ) . Participants include scientists and professionals from University of Puerto Rico San Juan, Region 2 Caribbean Environmental Protection Division (CEPD) Region 2 US EPA , Western Hemisphere Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers and Scientists, US Department of Health Potable Water Program, Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA), and Patillas Community Water Systems.
Links to online data resources:
Hurricane Maria 2017 StoryMaps at
Collaborative RAPID project Wiki:
CUAHSI Community Project Landing page:
HydroShare Puerto Rico Water Studies Group Resources:
Collaborative RAPID Project Team:
Workshop Outcomes:
1. User driven data priorities by scenario card sorting
2. Recruitment for Design Interviews for population health data
3. Collaborative Design for Information Distribution
4. RAPID project refined personas
5. Puerto Rico Water Studies Group collaborative authorship experiment (this resource)
This is the root collection resource for management of all weather, hydrologic and related population health and drinking water baseline data collected before and after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. This collection holds numerous Collections and composite resources comprising 1) Environmental data related to Hurricane Maria, including meteorological data, precipitation, stream sensor and chemistry data, soil sensor data, and cloud monitoring data (ceilometer and cloud camera data) – as available given that some sensors were damaged or destroyed during the hurricane; 2) Data Sharing Agreements for the use of private and confidential water resources and health data for conducting research in a HIPAA-compliant manner, 3) Drinking Water Sample Data including analytical results from water quality samples collected after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico from public drinking water sources. Analytical results include laboratory analyses for waterborne pathogens and inorganics parameters. All derived data, including analytical results, metadata, and the methods employed to collect the data adhere to standard methods for water analysis and the standards outlined by the Genomic Standards Consortium and/or Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater; 4) Geospatial Data includes roads and road closure information, Safe Drinking Water Information System point locations of Community and Public Water Systems, locations of 69 hospitals in Puerto Rico, mudslide locations and landslide hazards obtained from the USGS, and storm deforestation rasters generated from satellite data. The data providers for this collection include the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, NOAA National Weather Service, NOAA National Water Center, FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, Kaiser Permanente, and many others.
There are separate collections for Hurricanes Harvey ( and Irma ( Resources from 2017 US Hurricanes may also be shared with The CUAHSI 2017 Hurricane Data Community group ( to make them accessible to interested researchers, and anyone may join this group. Resources related to 2017 Hurricane Maria impacts and ongoing drinking water studies may be shared with the Puerto Rico Water Studies Group ( to make them accessible to interested researchers, and anyone may join this group.
This collection has been produced by a Collaborative Research grant by the US National Science Foundation RAPID Award "Building Infrastructure to Prevent Disasters Like Hurricane Maria" (ID 1810647) in collaboration with the RAPID Award "Archiving and Enabling Community Access to Data from Recent US Hurricanes" (ID 1761673).
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Created: April 11, 2018, 2:42 p.m.
Authors: Christina Bandaragoda · Jimmy Phuong · Miguel Leon
This is the root collection resource for management of all weather, hydrologic and related population health and drinking water baseline data collected before and after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. This collection holds numerous Collections and composite resources comprising 1) Environmental data related to Hurricane Maria, including meteorological data, precipitation, stream sensor and chemistry data, soil sensor data, and cloud monitoring data (ceilometer and cloud camera data) – as available given that some sensors were damaged or destroyed during the hurricane; 2) Data Sharing Agreements for the use of private and confidential water resources and health data for conducting research in a HIPAA-compliant manner, 3) Drinking Water Sample Data including analytical results from water quality samples collected after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico from public drinking water sources. Analytical results include laboratory analyses for waterborne pathogens and inorganics parameters. All derived data, including analytical results, metadata, and the methods employed to collect the data adhere to standard methods for water analysis and the standards outlined by the Genomic Standards Consortium and/or Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater; 4) Geospatial Data includes roads and road closure information, Safe Drinking Water Information System point locations of Community and Public Water Systems, locations of 69 hospitals in Puerto Rico, mudslide locations and landslide hazards obtained from the USGS, and storm deforestation rasters generated from satellite data. The data providers for this collection include the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, NOAA National Weather Service, NOAA National Water Center, FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, Kaiser Permanente, and many others.
There are separate collections for Hurricanes Harvey ( and Irma ( Resources from 2017 US Hurricanes may also be shared with The CUAHSI 2017 Hurricane Data Community group ( to make them accessible to interested researchers, and anyone may join this group. Resources related to 2017 Hurricane Maria impacts and ongoing drinking water studies may be shared with the Puerto Rico Water Studies Group ( to make them accessible to interested researchers, and anyone may join this group.
This collection has been produced by a Collaborative Research grant by the US National Science Foundation RAPID Award "Building Infrastructure to Prevent Disasters Like Hurricane Maria" (ID 1810647) in collaboration with the RAPID Award "Archiving and Enabling Community Access to Data from Recent US Hurricanes" (ID 1761673).

Created: May 23, 2018, 6:37 p.m.
Authors: Christina Bandaragoda · Graciela Ramirez-Toro · Jimmy Phuong · Tim Ferguson Sauder · Scott Dale Peckham · Benjamin Davis · Ishi Keenum · Virginia Riquelme · Kelsey Pieper · Emily Garner · William Rhoads · Melitza Crespo-Medina · Fernando Rosario Ortiz
After every natural disaster, it is difficult to answer elementary questions on how to provide high quality water supplies and health services. There is no existing digital infrastructure to scientifically determine the hurricane impact on drinking water quality, the severity of a hazard to human health, or baseline data on the sophistication, connectivity, and operations of the distributed physical and related digital infrastructure systems. We test data publication mechanisms after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico to understand risk to human health by (1) assessing the spatial and temporal presence of waterborne pathogens in multiple types of systems, (2) demonstrate usability of CUAHSI HydroShare as a clearinghouse for data related to Hurricane Maria, Harvey and Irma and (3) and develop a prototype cyberinfrastructure to assess environmental and public health impacts. Our resulting archive and research software engineering practices provide a prototype cyberinfrastructure system for researchers to study natural disasters.
How can data sharing and archiving capabilities be enhanced to ensure the greatest impact? Recovery efforts from natural disasters can be more efficient with data-driven information on current needs and future risks. We advance open-source software infrastructure to support scientific investigation and data-driven decision making with a data sharing system using a water quality assessment developed to investigate post-Hurricane Maria drinking water contamination in Puerto Rico. One limitation to effective disaster response is easy and rapid access to diverse information about available resources and maps of community resource needs and risks. Research products are made Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible (FAIR) using a collaborative, online sharing platform – HydroShare. Curating a central repository of assembled research data has the potential to greatly facilitate coordinated disaster responses of all types, with opportunities to improve planning, preparedness, and monitoring of the recovery process.
This workshop focuses on the presentation of preliminary data for the purpose of collaborative design that ensures the research products are delivered based on the preferences of future users. Participants answered the questions 1 ) What information about water do people need after a disaster? 2) How is information about water most effectively shared? 3) What are the difficulties faced when trying to communicate this type of information? Results were grouped to understand the information needs of academic water data researchers, federal drinking water regulators, local utilities (PRASA and community system operators, health researchers, and household data owners.
The National Science Foundation funded Collaborative RAPID: Building Infrastructure for Preventing Drinking Water Disasters project policies support data sharing mechanisms informed by federal and project guidelines. The workshop was hosted by Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Center for Environmental Education, Conservation and Research (CECIA-IAUPR) and the National Science Foundation Collaborative RAPID Project Team (NSF 1810647 ) . Participants include scientists and professionals from University of Puerto Rico San Juan, Region 2 Caribbean Environmental Protection Division (CEPD) Region 2 US EPA , Western Hemisphere Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers and Scientists, US Department of Health Potable Water Program, Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA), and Patillas Community Water Systems.
Links to online data resources:
Hurricane Maria 2017 StoryMaps at
Collaborative RAPID project Wiki:
CUAHSI Community Project Landing page:
HydroShare Puerto Rico Water Studies Group Resources:
Collaborative RAPID Project Team:
Workshop Outcomes:
1. User driven data priorities by scenario card sorting
2. Recruitment for Design Interviews for population health data
3. Collaborative Design for Information Distribution
4. RAPID project refined personas
5. Puerto Rico Water Studies Group collaborative authorship experiment (this resource)

Created: Aug. 14, 2020, 3:34 p.m.
Authors: Bandaragoda, Christina
[to complete by team]
Samples were collected from PRASA, Non-PRASA, and improvised systems all over the Island
[to complete by team]

Created: Feb. 28, 2023, 1:31 a.m.
Authors: Norton, Christina · Lenhardt, Chris · Falman, Jill · Faustman, Elaine
Panel Presentation on February 17, 2023; San Juan Puerto Rico
14th CECIA-IAUPR Biennial Symposium on Potable Water Issues in Puerto Rico: Science, Technology and Regulation
Dr. Christina Norton, University of Washington
Christopher Lenhardt, RENCI, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dr. Elaine Faustman, University of Washington
Jill Falman, University of Washington