Laura Lautz
National Science Foundation
Recent Activity
Eleven domestic water wells over the Marcellus Shale in New York were sampled monthly for 13 months. They were analyzed for dissolved hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, propane) and major ion concentrations (Ca, Mg, K, Na, NH4, SO4, Cl, F, Br, NO3). Biannual (Jun & Dec 2017) methane and water isotope measurements are included for wells with sufficient concentrations. The likely sources of salinity and probabilities for each well for each month are also listed.
This dataset contains chloride concentration, streamflow, and specific conductivity data for three water quality monitoring sites at Meadowbrook Creek in central New York: the disconnected headwater (43.0313°, -76.1148°), the transition site (43.0399°, -76.0829°), and the connected outlet (43.0308°, -76.0705°). Chloride concentration data were collected by measuring individual grab samples using a Dionex-ICS 2000. Streamflow data were compiled by constructing rating curves using stage data recorded by automated stream gauges at each of the three monitoring sites and individual streamflow measurements using a Sontek-IQ Plus and a handheld SonTek/YSI FlowTracker Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter. Specific conductivity data were also collected by the automated stream gauges at each site. Additional site and data collection details are available in Slosson, J.R., Lautz, L.K., & Beltran, J. 2021. Chloride load dynamics along channelized and intact reaches in a northeastern United States urban headwater stream. Environmental Research Letters, 16: 025001.
This data includes major anions and cations concentrations of stream water and riparian water at Meadowbrook creek, an urban stream in Syracuse, New York from 9/1/2017 - 9/30/2019. Chemistry data was obtained using a Dionex ICS-2000 Ion Chromatograph with 5 in-house standards for calibration and 3 outside USGS for calibration verification. Streamflow data was obtained by converting 15-minute stage data from gauging stations using a rating curve that related stage to measured streamflow using an ADV and ADP. Nitrate load data was estimated using rloadest.
PIED Piper is a suite of Matlab functions and a standalone GUI compiled for the Windows operating system that allows plotting of Piper Plots. It is the first such code written in the Matlab programming language, one of the most commonly used coding languages for environmental scientists in academia and industry. The code and GUI allow plotting of data as points, or plotting data density with colormaps or contour plots. More information can be found in Russoniello and Lautz (2019), or the PIED Piper Manual.
The zip file contains MATLAB code, all files needed for installation of the GUI, the data input template, a manual describing the functionality of PIED Piper and several sample data sets.
Please cite as: (Russoniello and Lautz, 2019)
Russoniello, CJ, LK Lautz. 2020. Pay the PIED Piper: Guidelines to visualize large geochemical datasets on Piper Diagrams. Groundwater, 58(3): 464-469. doi: http://10.1111/gwat.12953
HFLUX is a one-dimensional transient model that calculates stream temperatures with respect to space and time using the mass and energy balance equations for temperature transport in streams. It uses initial spatial and temporal temperature boundary conditions, stream dimension information, discharge data, and meteorological data to calculate stream temperature using a finite difference method. HFLUX is written as a set of functions that run in the MATLAB environment. More information can be found in the HFLUX Documentation.
The zip file contains the MATLAB code, the data input template, documentation describing the functionality of HFLUX and a sample data set.
Please cite as: (Glose et al., 2017)
Glose, AM, LK Lautz, EA Baker. 2017. Stream heat budget modeling with HFLUX: model development, verification, and applications across contrasting sites and seasons. Environmental Modeling & Software, 92: 213-228. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.02.021
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Created: March 23, 2018, 2:17 p.m.
Authors: Laura Lautz
The data set includes the following types of information for domestic wells sampled in southern New York State: geographic location (latitude and longitude), year of sample collection, concentrations of a variety of analytes, distances to various features (e.g. faults, gas wells, flow lines), topographic position, water type, well depth and type, and completion geology. Definitions of fields are provided in a worksheet within the Excel data file. When no data are available for a given field, the value is given as -9999. When concentrations are below a given detection limit, the value is given as -5555. The detection limits for chemical data in each year are given within a worksheet within the Excel data file.

Created: June 3, 2020, 1:50 p.m.
Authors: Lautz, Laura · Ryan P. Gordon · Dylan J. Irvine · Martin A. Briggs · Jeffrey M. McKenzie
VFLUX is a program that calculates one-dimensional vertical fluid flow (seepage flux) through saturated porous media, using heat transport equations. It uses temperature time series data measured by multiple temperature sensors in a vertical profile in order to calculate flux at specific times and depths. VFLUX is written as a MATLAB toolbox, a set of functions that run in the MATLAB environment.
Please cite as: (Gordon et al., 2012; Irvine et al., 2015)
- Irvine, DJ, LK Lautz, MA Briggs, RP Gordon, JM McKenzie. 2015. Experimental evaluation of the applicability of phase, amplitude, and combined methods to determine water flux and thermal diffusivity from temperature time series using VFLUX 2. Journal of Hydrology, 531(3):728-737. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.10.054.
- Gordon, RP, LK Lautz, MA Briggs, JM McKenzie. 2012. Automated calculation of vertical pore-water flux from field temperature time series using the VFLUX method and computer program. Journal of Hydrology, 420-421:142-158. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.11.053.
- (Two minor typographical errors were recently discovered in the publication Gordon et al. (2012). The definition for H in Equation 12 (p. 147) should be corrected to read “H = Cw/λo”. Also, Equation 9 (p. 147) should read “κe = (λo/C) + β|v|”, where v is the thermal front velocity. Please note that the code of the VFLUX program has always contained the correct forms of these two equations. Thanks go to Chengpeng Lu of Hohai University and Dylan Irvine of Monash University for bringing these typographical errors to our attention.)
VFLUX 1.2.5: The original VFLUX code, with amplitude- and phase-based solutions to determine flux from temperature time series data, as well as signal processing methods, data visualization, sensitivity analysis, and Monte Carlo error analysis modules.
VFLUX 2.0.0: Includes all functionality of the original VFLUX, with the addition of solutions for the “combined” amplitude ratio and phase lag methods (Luce et al., 2013; McCallum et al., 2012). More information can be found in Irvine et al. (2015).
VFLUX requires the Captain Toolbox and the ‘resample’ function from the MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox. The Captain Toolbox is available for free at The Signal Processing toolbox is available from MathWorks at If the Signal Processing Toolbox is not available to you, then an alternate function may be substituted (for more information, contact the authors).
VFLUX Add-ons
(1) vflux_qar_opt is an add on program for VFLUX2 (v 2.0.0 and greater). vflux_qar_opt has two main applications: 1) to fine tune flux estimates using the benefits of two analytical solutions, and 2) to provide a workflow to assess potential streambed scour. vflux_qar_opt can be run after the main vflux functions, where the user can optimize flux estimates by refining the thermal diffusivity (κe) value that best reproduces the known sensor spacing (Δz). More information can be found in the vflux_qar_opt documentation, which is included with the m-file in the download, and associated manuscript (Irvine et al. 2017).
Irvine, DJ, MA Briggs, I Cartwright, CR Scruggs, LK Lautz. 2017. Improved vertical streambed flux estimation using multiple diurnal temperature methods in series. Groundwater, 55(1): 73-80. doi: 10.1111/gwat.12436

Created: June 3, 2020, 2:50 p.m.
Authors: Lautz, Laura · AnneMarie Glose · Baker, Emily A
HFLUX is a one-dimensional transient model that calculates stream temperatures with respect to space and time using the mass and energy balance equations for temperature transport in streams. It uses initial spatial and temporal temperature boundary conditions, stream dimension information, discharge data, and meteorological data to calculate stream temperature using a finite difference method. HFLUX is written as a set of functions that run in the MATLAB environment. More information can be found in the HFLUX Documentation.
The zip file contains the MATLAB code, the data input template, documentation describing the functionality of HFLUX and a sample data set.
Please cite as: (Glose et al., 2017)
Glose, AM, LK Lautz, EA Baker. 2017. Stream heat budget modeling with HFLUX: model development, verification, and applications across contrasting sites and seasons. Environmental Modeling & Software, 92: 213-228. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.02.021

Created: June 3, 2020, 3 p.m.
Authors: Lautz, Laura · Russoniello, Christopher
PIED Piper is a suite of Matlab functions and a standalone GUI compiled for the Windows operating system that allows plotting of Piper Plots. It is the first such code written in the Matlab programming language, one of the most commonly used coding languages for environmental scientists in academia and industry. The code and GUI allow plotting of data as points, or plotting data density with colormaps or contour plots. More information can be found in Russoniello and Lautz (2019), or the PIED Piper Manual.
The zip file contains MATLAB code, all files needed for installation of the GUI, the data input template, a manual describing the functionality of PIED Piper and several sample data sets.
Please cite as: (Russoniello and Lautz, 2019)
Russoniello, CJ, LK Lautz. 2020. Pay the PIED Piper: Guidelines to visualize large geochemical datasets on Piper Diagrams. Groundwater, 58(3): 464-469. doi: http://10.1111/gwat.12953

Created: Aug. 27, 2020, 2:33 p.m.
Authors: Beltran, Julio
This data includes major anions and cations concentrations of stream water and riparian water at Meadowbrook creek, an urban stream in Syracuse, New York from 9/1/2017 - 9/30/2019. Chemistry data was obtained using a Dionex ICS-2000 Ion Chromatograph with 5 in-house standards for calibration and 3 outside USGS for calibration verification. Streamflow data was obtained by converting 15-minute stage data from gauging stations using a rating curve that related stage to measured streamflow using an ADV and ADP. Nitrate load data was estimated using rloadest.

Created: Sept. 9, 2020, 4:05 p.m.
Authors: Slosson, John R
This dataset contains chloride concentration, streamflow, and specific conductivity data for three water quality monitoring sites at Meadowbrook Creek in central New York: the disconnected headwater (43.0313°, -76.1148°), the transition site (43.0399°, -76.0829°), and the connected outlet (43.0308°, -76.0705°). Chloride concentration data were collected by measuring individual grab samples using a Dionex-ICS 2000. Streamflow data were compiled by constructing rating curves using stage data recorded by automated stream gauges at each of the three monitoring sites and individual streamflow measurements using a Sontek-IQ Plus and a handheld SonTek/YSI FlowTracker Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter. Specific conductivity data were also collected by the automated stream gauges at each site. Additional site and data collection details are available in Slosson, J.R., Lautz, L.K., & Beltran, J. 2021. Chloride load dynamics along channelized and intact reaches in a northeastern United States urban headwater stream. Environmental Research Letters, 16: 025001.

Created: Sept. 16, 2020, 12:35 p.m.
Authors: Campbell, Amanda · Lautz, Laura
Eleven domestic water wells over the Marcellus Shale in New York were sampled monthly for 13 months. They were analyzed for dissolved hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, propane) and major ion concentrations (Ca, Mg, K, Na, NH4, SO4, Cl, F, Br, NO3). Biannual (Jun & Dec 2017) methane and water isotope measurements are included for wells with sufficient concentrations. The likely sources of salinity and probabilities for each well for each month are also listed.