Martin Henke

George Mason University

Subject Areas: Coastal Engineering,Oceanography,Arctic

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This dataset contains simulated wave data generated from the ADCIRC+SWAN model in the Alaskan Arctic and run for the December 2016 extratropical cyclone spanning from December 20th 2016 to January 9th 2017. Simulations differ in the sea ice forcing fields used in simulation. For the historical simulation, sea ice data was also obtained from ERA5 Climate Reanalysis while future decades' and scenario's projected sea ice fields were sourced from the CESM2-WACCM model. For each climate scenario and decade there are five available realizations and thus a single storm simulation is performed using daily sea ice specific to the year, emissions pathway, and ensemble member – making for a total of 20 simulations performed using climate model projected sea ice fields. Finally, two additional simulations were performed to establish an upper and lower bound of sea ice coverage. An open-water simulation, without sea ice as an input, and an ice-full simulation, where all sea ice input grid points within the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas are given a sea ice concentration of 100%. Data is contained in NetCDF format using an unstructured triangular mesh. The max_HS variable presents the maximum significant wave height (highest one thirds of wave heights) to occur for each node during the simulation.

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This dataset contains simulated wave data generated from the ADCIRC+SWAN model in the Alaskan Arctic and run for the December 2016 extratropical cyclone spanning from December 20th 2016 to January 9th 2017. Simulations differ in the sea ice forcing fields used in simulation. For the historical simulation, sea ice data was also obtained from ERA5 Climate Reanalysis while future decades' and scenario's projected sea ice fields were sourced from the CESM2-WACCM model. For each climate scenario and decade there are five available realizations and thus a single storm simulation is performed using daily sea ice specific to the year, emissions pathway, and ensemble member – making for a total of 20 simulations performed using climate model projected sea ice fields. Finally, two additional simulations were performed to establish an upper and lower bound of sea ice coverage. An open-water simulation, without sea ice as an input, and an ice-full simulation, where all sea ice input grid points within the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas are given a sea ice concentration of 100%. Data is contained in NetCDF format using an unstructured triangular mesh. The max_HS variable presents the maximum significant wave height (highest one thirds of wave heights) to occur for each node during the simulation.

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