Katherine Schlef
CUAHSIUMass AmherstWestern New England University
Recent Activity
Full code and climate data (except the HADISST dataset, due to its 1 GB size) for the paper "Identifying Teleconnections for the Monsoon Rainfall of Karachi Pakistan" by K. E. Schlef & H. F. Khan, submitted to the International Journal of Climatology in November 2024. The daily rainfall data must be requested directly from the Pakistan Meteorologic Department and Pakistan Air Force.
Supporting code and data for Figures 1 and 4 of the IDF Curve Review paper submitted to Journal of Hydrology
This is processed data and code associated with Schlef et al. (2020). Comparing Flood Projection Approaches Across Hydro-Climatologically Diverse United States River Basins https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR025861
This is the code and analyzed data used for the paper:
Schlef, K. E., Moradkhani, H. & Lall, U. (2019) Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Extreme United States Floods Identified via Machine Learning. Scientific Reports 9:7171. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-43496-w
This paper can be accessed via this link: https://rdcu.be/bAZhn
The website associated with this paper is: https://kschlef.shinyapps.io/ExtremeFloods/
This is the code and processed data for the paper "A General Methodology for Climate Informed Approaches to Long-Term Flood Projection - Illustrated with the Ohio River Basin", which has been submitted to Water Resources Research.
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This is the code and processed data for the paper "A General Methodology for Climate Informed Approaches to Long-Term Flood Projection - Illustrated with the Ohio River Basin", which has been submitted to Water Resources Research.

This is the code and analyzed data used for the paper:
Schlef, K. E., Moradkhani, H. & Lall, U. (2019) Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Extreme United States Floods Identified via Machine Learning. Scientific Reports 9:7171. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-43496-w
This paper can be accessed via this link: https://rdcu.be/bAZhn
The website associated with this paper is: https://kschlef.shinyapps.io/ExtremeFloods/

This is processed data and code associated with Schlef et al. (2020). Comparing Flood Projection Approaches Across Hydro-Climatologically Diverse United States River Basins https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR025861

Supporting code and data for Figures 1 and 4 of the IDF Curve Review paper submitted to Journal of Hydrology

Full code and climate data (except the HADISST dataset, due to its 1 GB size) for the paper "Identifying Teleconnections for the Monsoon Rainfall of Karachi Pakistan" by K. E. Schlef & H. F. Khan, submitted to the International Journal of Climatology in November 2024. The daily rainfall data must be requested directly from the Pakistan Meteorologic Department and Pakistan Air Force.